New Address/Address Change/
Address Verification Request
This Request should be submitted to ROD@chandleraz.gov; faxed to 480-782-3055; or delivered to
215 E Buffalo Street. Address verification is required for all commercial work (including tenant
improvements) and for all new residential construction. A verified address from the City of Chandler
is required BEFORE submitting plans for permitting.
Applicant Information:
Name of Applicant: ________________________________________________________________
Agency Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Telephone #: _______________ Email: ________________________________________________
Property Owner (if different than above) ________________________________________________
Signature of Owner/Agent: _______________________________________ (We require a letter of
authorization if signed by other than owner)
Property Location:
Street Name and Number (if known): __________________________________________________
Subdivision Plat Name: _____________________________________________________________
Book/Page: _________Lot #: __________ Block #:__________ Tax Parcel #: __________________
Section, Township and Range of subject property (if known): _______________________________
Property Type: Single Family Residence Apartment/Condo Commercial
Multi-family and new commercial space … # of units___________ #of buildings__________
General Description of Your Location:
Include a copy of the site plan with this application. Please be as descriptive as possible. Include any
intersecting streets within 500 feet of the subject property. If this is a new split, include a copy of the
recorded deed and the street name the property is being accessed from.
Reason for Address Request:
New Construction Tenant space split/combo Property split (include recorded deed and a
copy of the approval letter) Property combo (include copy of signed lot combo form) Existing
numbers out of sequence Other (please explain) ________________________________
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 4008, MS 401
Chandler, Arizona 85244-4008
Transportation and Development Department
Development Services
215 E. Buffalo St., Chandler Arizona 85225
Telephone: (480) 782-3000
Fax: (480) 782-3010
Form No: UDM-050/Building
Rev: 06-17-15
click to sign
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