This questionnaire is formulated so that the data gathered concerning your institution and your students will
inform the customization of your Rules of Engagement.
1) What type of support are you using with NetTutor?
a. Synchronous Mode (live, one-on-one)
b. Asynchronous Writing Center (review of a written piece)
c. Both Synchronous and Asynchronous Writing Center review
d. RTR (Refer Student Report) a. b. c. d.
2) Would you like audio capability enabled?
(Students must ask tutors to enable audio when they join the session). Yes No
3) Would you like video capability enabled?
(Students must ask tutors to enable video when they join the session). Yes No
4) Do you want tutors to share any of your institution’s links during sessions?
Links will be provided by the institution’s Point Of Contact. Yes No
5) Are you supplying NetTutor with textbooks for your courses? Yes No
6) Are you supplying NetTutor with ancillary material Yes No
(syllabi, rubrics, articles, alternate problems)?
Students in Live Sessions
1) To set expectations, some schools prefer to have their students acknowledge that NetTutor does not give
out answers. A welcome text is placed on the board for students to read and agree. Do you approve of a
welcome text for this purpose? (A sample text will be shared in the ROE document)
Yes No
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2) For live writing support, some students will copy and paste paragraphs or entire (previously reviewed)
papers onto the whiteboard. Do you prefer the tutor to:
a. Address only the main issues in the pasted writing piece (higher order concerns)?
b. Address only grammar and punctuation issues in the pasted writing piece (lower order concerns)?
c. Address both higher order and lower order concerns in the pasted writing piece?
d. Only address the student’s specific question(s) with regard to the pasted writing piece?
a. b. c. d.
Writing Center Support
1) In the Summary, tutors welcome students to NetTutor, and introduce themselves by first name.
“Hello, Jeremiah. Welcome to NetTutor! My name is Yolanda, and I reviewed your
paper today.” Do you agree with including similar verbiage in the feedback? Yes No
2) What type of feedback would you like to see NetTutor tutors address in the paper reviews?
a. Higher Order Concerns
b. Lower Order Concerns
c. Both a and b a. b. c.
3) Tutors call out prominent writing issues by sometimes inserting icons that are easy to read and include
a written definition of the issue they raise. Do you agree with the use of icons?
Yes No
4) Tutors remark on the first occurrence of an issue. If the same issue recurs subsequently, tutors provide
instructions and a model of how to look for subsequent occurrences of the issue. Do you agree with this
process? Yes No
Additional Feedback