Client name: Date:
Street address:
Suburb: Postcode:
Appliance make/model:
Appliance certication number: Serial number: Number of fans:
CO test equipment: Calibration date:
Licensed person: Licence no:
Instruction: place an ‘X’ in each box as each condition is satised.
Establish baseline conditions
Heater is at room temperature Exhaust fans turned off
External doors and windows closed Smoke test conducted
Test for negative pressure
External doors and windows closed Exhaust fans turned on
Open or close internal doors to achieve (potential) greatest negative pressure Smoke test conducted
Smoke behaves like baseline test = no negative pressure is present
Smoke is drawn away from heater = negative pressure is present
Instruction: clean the appliance and check it for obvious appliance defects.
Ventilation installed to eliminate negative pressure? ( Y / N ) Size of vent required (if not installed)
Test for carbon monoxide spillage
External doors and windows closed
Exhaust fans turned on
Open or close internal doors to achieve (potential) greatest negative pressure
Instruction: measure and record the background CO reading (ppm).
Turn heater on high Turn heater fan on high
CO detector sampling probe placed at:
Draft diverter relief openings Heat exchanger joints
Flue connection Other
Instruction: continue monitoring for CO spillage and record the readings taken after the appliance has been operating for:
• 5 minutes from cold (gas space heater, indirect gas-red ducted air-heater or a Type 2 decorative-effect gas heater)
» Allow for additional 5 minutes if the appliance is installed in a chimney without a chimney liner
• 10 minutes from cold (Type 1 decorative-effect gas heater)
Measure and record the detector reading (ppm) Reconrm background reading (ppm)
Is the new reading from the appliance higher than the CO background reading? ( Y / N )
• If yes — proceed to ‘Carbon monoxide spillage is detected’.
• If no — the test is complete.
If negative pressure was present and ventilation was not installed earlier, install ventilation or provide the client with ESV / VBA information letter.
Notify VBA via email at gasheaters@vba.vic.gov.au or phone 1300 815 127.
Carbon monoxide spillage is detected
External doors and windows closed Exhaust fans turned off (eliminate negative pressure)
Turn heater on high Turn heater fan on high
Instruction: repeat the ‘Test for carbon monoxide spillage’.
Is CO spillage detected? ( Y / N )
• If yes — the heater is faulty.
Instruction: rectify or isolate the heater.
• If no — negative pressure is causing CO spillage.
Instruction: install ventilation or isolate the heater.
Statement of compliance
Heater cleaned and serviced Negative pressure present but not spilling CO (referred to VBA)
Heater isolated due to CO spillage Client refuses to have heater isolated due to CO spillage
(referred to ESV)
Negative Pressure and Carbon Monoxide Spillage Test Report
P +61 3 9203 9700
E info@energysafe.vic.gov.au
P 1300 815 127
E gasheaters@vba.vic.gov.au
Notify ESV if client refuses to have heater isolated.
Call our 24/7 emergency line on 1800 652 563 — select option 5.