NCEC Implementation Guide and Toolkit 2018
Tool 4 – Implementation Planning Tool
Implementaon is a key requirement for Guideline Groups and completed published guidelines
must include an implementaon plan. Groups should ll out the template provided on the following
page, lisng specic acons that are required for implementaon, and linking them to: guideline
recommendaons (a number of recommendaons can be grouped together, where appropriate);
who is ulmately responsible for leading the acon; the expected meframe for compleon;
and the measure/indicator that will be used to verify that the recommendaon has been fully
implemented. These are described in greater detail below.
Explanatory notes for implementaon plan
• Guideline recommendation/number: This refers to the specific guideline recommendation(s)
which the action/intervention aims to achieve. One action may address several
recommendations, e.g. training programme or additional staff. Ensure all guideline
recommendations are included in the implementation plan.
• Barriers and enablers: Identify the barriers and enablers for implementing this
recommendation. Completing the ‘Implementation Enablers and Barriers: Assessment Tool’
in Tool 3 will help you to complete this section. Note that some barriers and enablers will
be common to multiple recommendations. Consider capability, opportunity and motivation,
which influence behaviour.
• Action/intervention/task to implement recommendation: This is the specific high-level
action, intervention or task which is needed to implement the guideline recommendation(s).
Determine the actions, interventions or tasks that are effective and best suited to address
the identified needs and barriers. The actions, interventions or tasks should specify the
change required to current practice, i.e. who needs to do what differently for this
recommendation to be implemented effectively.
• Lead responsibility for delivery of the action/intervention/task: Many actions, interventions
or tasks are carried out by multidisciplinary teams and multiple stakeholders. This column
should be used to specify the lead group/unit/organisation responsible for implementing the
action/intervention/task. Ensuring that these stakeholders are on your Guideline Group from
the beginning will help to ensure that the guideline recommendations are implementable.
• Timeframe for completion: Specify the timeframe you expect for full implementation of this
action, intervention or task within the three years following publication. For additional detail,
the quarter (Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4) can also be added. It is useful to spread these out over the
3 years. Some interventions may be dependent on additional funding and can be denoted as
such. The guideline is updated after 3 years, with a new implementation plan.
• Expected outcome and verification: Specify the expected outcome and how you will verify or
measure it, i.e. how will you know when the recommendation has been fully implemented? How
will you know if the expected outcome has been achieved? Use existing data/measurement
sources where available.
• Allowing adequate and appropriate time for planning how clinical guidelines will be
implemented is a crucial implementation enabler, enabling those who are driving the change
to map out the implementation process and provide a course of action to address any potential
This tool is available on NCEC website: