Navarro College Foundation Faculty and Staff Donation Form
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Office Number: ___________________________
E-mail Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Home Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
I would like to contribute to the Navarro College Foundation. I am authorizing a monthly deduct in the amount of
$_______________________. This will be deducted from my paycheck automatically. This will continue until I notify
payroll in writing otherwise.
I would like to increase the amount of my contribution to $ ______________________ toward the NC Foundation. This
will be deducted from my paycheck automatically. This will continue until I notify payroll in writing otherwise.
I will make a Yearly/One Time Gift contribution of $________________________
to the NC Foundation. Check is
attached/will follow. Make check payable to Navarro College Foundation. I would like to be reminded again next year.
I would like my contribution directed to:
___ Dr. Tommy Stringer Discretionary Fund
___ Dr. Larry Weaver, Navarro College Faculty & Employee Scholarship Fund
___ Navarro College Faculty Instructional Equipment Fund
___ Planetarium Science and Technology Ugrade
Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
All donations are kept confidential. Please return to Lori Tatsch in the Operations and Institutional Advancement office.
A copy will be sent to the Payroll for processing.
As you are aware, your contribution is tax deductible. In compliance with Federal Law, the Navarro College Foundation,
Inc. acknowledges that you have received no goods or services in return for this gift.
* * * * * *
Did you know that at anytime you can send a donation in memory of or in honor of a special someone? A card is sent to
the family or person requested, so they will know a gift was sent by you on their behalf. For more information you can
call Lori Tatsch at 903-875-7591.
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