Native Village of Eyak Elder Snow Removal Form
PURPOSE: Provide a clear path so Elders can get in and out of their home. Allows clear
access to Elder in case of an Emergency. Family member support is highly encouraged
for any Elder and may play a role when deciding who receives services.
Establish who and how you receive services:
NVE Elder who meet the Elder eligibility policy or meets the caregiver requirements
of an NVE Elder.
Elders will contact Elder Services Coordinator to let them know they want to be
added to snow removal list or fill out this form and submit to NVE.
Description of service:
Regular snow removal will be from the Elders front door and a clear path to make
excess for daily service.
Other snow removal such as shoveling out fuel tanks or larger areas will need
preapproval from Elder Services Coordinator.
Elders Name: ______________________________________________________
Street Address:_____________________________________________________
Contact Number:____________________________________________________
NVE Staff will contact you after they receive your snow removal form. If you have
questions, please call 424-7738 and talk to the Elder Services Coordinator.