“We have found that the way to remain a productive, responsible member of society is to
put our recovery first. NA can survive without us, but we cannot survive without NA.”
Narcotics Anonymous (Basic Text), pg. 102
Practicing principles
How we live the program
Many NA slogans refer to the concept of “living the program.” Those slogans
are as numerous, varied, and colorful as our membership. In meetings around
the world, at any given moment, we might hear, “I try to practice these principles
in all my affairs to the best of my ability,” or “Just for today, I’m living in the
solution,” or “I know I have to work my life around my program and not my
program around my life.”
Learning to live the program of Narcotics Anonymous is as much a part of the
foundation for our recovery as not picking up drugs a day at a time. But what
does living the program really mean?
The stories in this issue are testaments to the power of this simple program.
Over and over again, with each member’s experience, we see that living the pro-
gram is more than just a chapter in our Basic Text or the title of a pamphlet.
Living the program is about courage, and faith, and willingness to go the dis-
tance no matter what. Living the program is about being faced with life’s most
incomprehensible horrors and not giving up. Living the program allows us to
actively participate in life and all that it brings.
NA offers us a choice of how we want to pursue our newfound life. Staying
clean and working the steps gives us the freedom to make that choice. We have
all been given a second chance to live a life that can transcend any dream we’ve
ever had. It is up to us whether we want to take that chance and live.
Just for today I will be unafraid, my thoughts will be on my new associa-
tions, people who are not using and have found a new way of life. So long as I
follow that way, I have nothing to fear.”
Practicing principles 1
Our readers write… 2
Living the program 3
NA: A daily program 5
What program do you work? 6
NA equals life! 7
Staying clean no matter what 8
A program of humility 9
On the right path 9
Picture this 10
Being ‘a part of 11
On being of service 12
Finding a home 12
NA has been very good to me… 13
Why are we here? 14
H&I Slim 15
50th Anniversary/WCNA-30 16
San Diego 18
HRP 19
Calendar 20
WSO product update 23
Home Group 24
click to sign
click to edit
The NA Way Magazine welcomes the participation of its readers.
You are invited to share with the NA Fellowship in our quarterly
international journal. Send us your experience in recovery, your
views on NA matters, and feature items. All manuscripts submit-
ted become the property of Narcotics Anonymous World Ser-
vices, Inc. Subscription, editorial, and business services: PO Box
9999, Van Nuys, CA 91409-9099.
The NA Way Magazine presents the experiences and opin-
ions of individual members of Narcotics Anonymous. The
opinions expressed are not to be attributed to Narcotics
Anonymous as a whole, nor does publication of any article
imply endorsement by Narcotics Anonymous, The NA Way
Magazine, or Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
The NA Way Magazine (ISSN 10465-5421), The NA Way, and
Narcotics Anonymous are registered trademarks of Narcotics
Anonymous World Services, Inc. The NA Way Magazine is pub-
lished quarterly by Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc.,
19737 Nordhoff Place, Chatsworth, CA 91311. Periodical post-
age is paid at Chatsworth, CA, and at additional entry points.
POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to The NA Way
Magazine, PO Box 9999, Van Nuys, CA 91409-9099.
Nancy Schenck
David Fulk
Lee Manchester
David Mizrahi
Fatia Birault
Susan C, Dana H, Marc S, Sheryl L
World Service Office
PO Box 9999
Van Nuys, CA 91409 USA
Telephone: (818) 773-9999
Fax: (818) 700-0700
Website: www.na.org
The NA Way Magazine welcomes letters from all readers. Letters to the editor can
respond to any article that has appeared in The NA Way, or can simply be a viewpoint
about an issue of concern in the NA Fellowship. Letters should be no more than 250
words, and we reserve the right to edit. All letters must include a signature, valid
address, and phone number. First name and last initial will be used as the signature
line unless the writer requests anonymity.
The NA Way Magazine, published in English, French, German, Portuguese, and
Spanish, belongs to the members of Narcotics Anonymous. Its mission, therefore, is to
provide each member with recovery and service information, as well as recovery-related
entertainment, which speaks to current issues and events relevant to each of our members
worldwide. In keeping with this mission, the editorial staff is dedicated to providing a
magazine which is open to articles and features written by members from around the world,
as well as providing current service and convention information. Foremost, the journal is
dedicated to the celebration of our message of recovery—“that an addict, any addict, can
stop using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live.”
Ed. note: On the opening page of the July 2002 issue (Vol. 19, No. 3), “Anonymity,”
I noted that we currently have 125,000 subscribers to The NA Way. We did mail 125,000
copies in 2001; however, that was for the whole year. So, we actually have approxi-
mately 29,500 subscribers since the magazine is published quarterly. Please excuse
my enthusiasm!
Our readers write…
Regarding the article entitled “How to Share”
(The NA Way Magazine, April 2002, Vol. 19, No. 2)
Dear NA Way,
I don’t know how to express what I feel other than to say that I’m outraged! I truly
fear for the newcomer or anyone else who shows up with a problem that doesn’t
relate to the topic of discussion at the Friday Night Roaming Home Group in Mary-
land, not to mention the addict who comes late and who really needs to share. I’ve
been around for several years and I’ve never heard such self-centeredness. I’ll try to
cover their ideas in order.
For starters, I don’t believe there is a “correct” way to share, as long as I’m sharing
o I do agree that people should be aware of each other’s desire to share and try not
to monopolize the time available.
o Sometimes—in fact, most of the time—when I come to the rooms with a prob-
lem, it is because I don’t know the solution and I’m seeking the experience,
strength, and hope of those who may have had a similar experience.
o There are times, especially when I’m hurting emotionally, when I just don’t feel
very spiritual and, for whatever reasons, I’m incapable of being the spiritual per-
son I ought to be.
o I’ve had the opportunity to travel, and in many meetings around the world there
are no discussion leaders to call on people. Everyone simply jumps in and takes
turns. It is not my place to say when someone does or does not have a need or
desire to share.
o It is truly okay to speak briefly.
o An NA meeting is a garbage dump if that’s what I’m full of at that time. I come to
meetings with what’s inside of me. Sometimes it’s experience, strength, and hope;
other times it’s pain, agony, and misery. It depends on how well I’ve been apply-
ing the program to every aspect of my life, which varies from day to day.
Continued on page 10
Living the program
Reflections on 20 years in NA
I got clean in Narcotics Anonymous in East Central Wisconsin on 8 July 1982. When
I came to NA I was 21 years old, and I feared going to prison. My lawyer told me that if
I wanted to have a chance at staying out of prison, I would have to stop using all
drugs, including marijuana. He said I needed to go into a treatment program, provide
urine drug screens, and attend NA meetings.
I came to NA to get out of trouble. I didn’t realize how much NA would change my life.
My first NA meeting
While in treatment, I went to my first NA meeting. There were three or four NA
members besides the four of us from treatment. When I heard “our whole life and
thinking was centered in drugs in one form or another—the getting and using and
finding ways and means to get more,” it described my life in a nutshell. I had never
heard such a statement before. I identified from the beginning. Over the next several
days, I memorized that sentence. It was the first real mental or intellectual exercise I
had done in a very long time.
When I came into NA I really didn’t have a lot. I owned a bicycle and a stereo. I
didn’t lose material possessions, financial resources, a home, and/or a marriage and
kids because I hadn’t yet accumulated them.
I was young. I didn’t have health problems, I guess mostly due to the fact that I
used daily for only about five years. By many measures, this is not a long time. It was
difficult for me to understand the unmanageability addiction caused in my life. This
was especially true when I compared my story to others who had lost so much. Power-
lessness was a little easier for me to understand since I never stopped using for long
on my own. Before I hit bottom, I never made any serious attempts to stop using
everything and become completely abstinent. I would substitute one drug for an-
other. I genuinely liked and enjoyed using drugs.
Hugs, not drugs
At 60 days clean, the world convention (WCNA-12) was taking place in Milwaukee.
There were about 500 NA members who attended that convention. An interesting
thing happened at WCNA-12. People started hugging one another. Some might think
that hugs were always a part of the NA Fellowship, but it wasn’t universal across the
Many members were clearly uncomfortable or chose not to hug others, especially
men hugging other men. However, at WCNA, the love of the fellowship took over. Our
text states this another way: “Recovery becomes a contact process; we lose the fear
of touching and of being touched. We learn that a simple, loving hug can make all the
difference in the world when we feel alone. We experience real love and real friendship.”
(Narcotics Anonymous, p. 88). “Hugs, Not Drugs” was one of the best T-shirts I ever had.
Another important thing happened
for me at WCNA-12. I met my best friend,
who shared a story from his past that
matched with parts of my story. I didn’t
know anyone who had experienced what
had happened in my addiction. This
helped me to identify even more. We
have been friends for a long time, and
my friend now has 22 years clean!
The Basic Text
I remember hearing some members
in the early 1980s begin to talk openly
about how the disease of addiction in-
cluded all mind- and mood-altering sub-
stances. This was further supported by
the Basic Text Approval Form (an unpub-
lished literary work). We photocopied
and distributed that booklet to the mem-
bers in our NA communities. We couldn’t
wait for approval from the World Service
Conference to get the text printed.
I mailed $25 to Jimmy K’s garage,
which at the time was operating as the
World Service Office, to purchase a spe-
cial, numbered First Edition. I still have
that special, red-covered edition—First
Edition No. 1457—and the postcard
that Jimmy K mailed back as receipt of
NA only
About this time many of us in the
Midwest and across the country made a
commitment to recovery in Narcotics
Anonymous. It sounds funny now, but I
can remember when people in NA and
AA thought that if we went to NA only,
we would end up drunk!
Our Basic Text doesn’t state anything
about going exclusively to NA, but dur-
ing those early years, many of us came
to believe that if we attended NA regu-
larly and actively participated in our NA
recovery, we would and could stay clean
over time from all drugs, including alco-
hol. And there it was in print: “Our iden-
tification as addicts is all-inclusive with
respect to any mood-changing, mind-
altering substance. Alcoholism is too
limited a term for us; our problem is not
a specific substance, it is a disease called
addiction” (Narcotics Anonymous, p. xv).
During this time some members, in-
cluding myself, became NA “purists.” We
talked about our identification as ad-
dicts, we introduced ourselves as ad-
dicts, and we said and did a lot of things
to promote NA. While our intentions
were in the right place, these beliefs and
practices were sometimes counterpro-
ductive, especially when exercised with-
out compassion, common sense, or
maturity. Today I don’t criticize members
who attend other twelve-step fellow-
ships. I keep the focus on me. NA is my
A continued threat
Relapse is one of the things that scare
me the most. My best friend relapsed just
before he had four years clean. He taught
me about Step One and how it was not a
particular substance(s) that was our prob-
lem, but the disease of addiction.
Two years ago another member re-
lapsed with over 20 years clean. Three
weeks ago a woman I know shared that
she had relapsed after 14 years. I won-
der when will it happen to me? I hope
and pray that I will continue to stay
clean, just for today.
I believe the primary reason I have
stayed clean is because I continue to
attend meetings on a regular basis. In
meetings I get to witness the miracle of
recovery. I am reminded to work the
steps, and I hear what can happen if I
pick up and use again.
However, I know it is more than just
meetings that keep me clean, so I try to
the best of my ability to practice the
principles of NA on a day-to-day basis.
When I had about 14 years clean, my
recovery was at serious risk. I had a lot
of NA friends, had a strong, personal
relationship with my Higher Power, was
active in service in one form or another,
and had a tremendous amount of suc-
cess in all areas of my life.
I had always put my recovery before
anything else. But at this time, I started
to shift my priorities. I put my career,
money, and material possessions before
my recovery.
We built a new home in a new area. I
attended fewer meetings. The people at
the new meetings were different, and I
was not accustomed to how they ran
their meetings. My meeting attendance
dropped to one meeting a week, and
sometimes I would go two or three weeks
between meetings. I wasn’t praying as
much. I even said to myself that it was
okay since I had been clean for a while.
After two years, I started having prob-
lems. I lost three jobs in three years. My
wife was not sure she wanted to con-
tinue living with me, and my relationship
with my Higher Power wasn’t strong.
I didn’t have any overpowering de-
sires to use during this time, and some-
how I maintained my clean time. After
hitting a spiritual and emotional bottom,
I was at the point where I could not save
my face and my ass at the same time, as
the Basic Text says.
I tried to actively participate in my
recovery again. It was difficult. I got a new
sponsor after going without one for
some time. He saved my recovery and
my life. He told me to do “ninety in
ninety.” He told me to find a meeting that
needed someone to set up, and I did.
He told me to find a meeting that needed
a chairperson, and I did. Slowly, I began
to get some satisfying recovery into my
life. It took over a year before I felt spiri-
tually connected to the fellowship and
my Higher Power again.
I believe the only thing that saved me
from a relapse and all the
unmanageability that results is that I
never entirely ceased attending meet-
ings. I resented being an addict who
needed to go to meetings—but I went
Today I am glad to have recommitted
to my recovery by attending meetings,
working the steps, daily prayer and medi-
tation, sponsorship, and service.
The gifts of recovery
My recovery once again is the first
priority in my life. The gifts of my con-
tinued recovery in Narcotics Anonymous
are many. I have a strong and ongoing
relationship with my Higher Power. I have
self-esteem and some humility. I have a
great home group that’s just minutes
from my home.
My wife and I have been married now
for 13 years. We have a deep commit-
ment to each other, and we have devel-
oped a level of intimacy unmatched from
my prior experiences. I’m not saying our
marriage is always cheerful and rosy—
sometimes it is not. But we continue to
move forward together with trust and
respect for one another. We have two
great kids, and I wouldn’t trade being a
parent for anything.
My current job is not that big job I
thought I should have; rather, it is the
one my Higher Power has guided me to,
and I am grateful for it.
I am active in my local NA commu-
nity and my community outside NA. I
have a service position with my home
group. I participate with the area PI sub-
committee, and I do volunteer work.
I have respect and esteem not only
in our fellowship but also at work and in
my neighborhood. All of these are con-
tinued gifts of active participation in my
personal NA recovery.
In closing, I would like to say thank
you to all those members who have
helped me in my recovery. Many people
have helped me not only in achieving 20
years clean but also in achieving free-
dom from the degradation of active ad-
diction. The members of NA—newcom-
ers and oldtimers alike—inspire me to
stay clean.
Just for today, I am glad to be an ad-
dict. I love what recovery provides for
me. It is more that just staying clean—it
is a way of life!
Bill L, Ohio
A daily program
Hi, I’m Rosalinda, and I’m an addict.
My daughter—my only child—was eight years old when I first came into these
rooms. She was dragged along to all the NA events and wreaked havoc along with the
other NA kids. She had been my constant companion since I was 18 years old. We
were together through my using and recovery, through my bouts with depression and
my attempts at geographical changes.
She was my anchor, as I was hers. The first time I went to my RSC meeting (1,000
miles away) as an area representative, I forgot my report. I was in a panic, but she
calmly dictated it to me over the phone.
We could tell each other anything. Milly was my best friend and my entire family.
Four years ago she died. She committed suicide. My world, my sense of self, and
my faith were all turned upside down, inside out, and completely scrambled. I felt
such powerlessness and crippling devastation. I am sobbing helplessly right now as I
write about this.
I pray that no one who reads this will ever have to experience the agony of losing a
child. I’ve been attending a support group for bereaved parents for nearly four years.
Many members of this group become workaholics, or compulsive gamblers, or turn to
other forms of addiction. Most were not addicts before.
Me? Well, I’ve always been prone to depression, and I’ve been suicidal pretty much
from the age of five. In all honesty, it wasn’t drugs that called to me when Milly died; it
was death. So how have I survived?
Feel it—feel it all! Don’t hold back. Breathe—if possible—although it isn’t always
an easy thing to do.
I used to think that my emotions were my enemies. I spent most of my life trying to
crush them. Now I know that my emotions are the greatest allies I have. It sounds
strange that I can say this when living with bereavement, doesn’t it? But my emotions
carry vital information for me. They let me know what works and what doesn’t. They
strip away intellectual frippery and bring me face to face with who I am. Tears even
trigger my body’s self-anesthesia to make sleep possible.
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
I think most folks can survive the first two months after the loss of a child. Shock
alone can carry a person that far. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that those first two
months aren’t unbearably agonizing, it’s just that it gets worse after the shock starts
to wear off.
I have NA to thank for not being squeamish about joining a support group. It was a
bit shocking at first, with no traditions and no steps, but I needed people who could
understand me. I probably always will.
For me, I hit the wall ten months after Milly died. I wanted to join her, but I post-
poned it—hoping it would go away—while doing all the legal stuff, tending to her
friends, dealing with the coroner’s office,
and putting on her 21st birthday party
as we had planned.
I was working a program daily. I con-
tinued to open our local meeting just as
I had for years. I read our literature, kept
a journal, worked the steps, prayed,
called other members, and compiled
gratitude lists. I even completed and
shared my Fourth Step after her funeral.
Then all my survival strategies failed.
Utterly. I couldn’t concentrate on any-
thing other than death. I had gone be-
yond obsession and was into compulsion.
I even tried to sign myself into a psychiat-
ric hospital, but all they could offer was a
prescription for antidepressants.
I took that prescription to the only
other member within an hour’s drive,
and I asked her what to do. (My sponsor
had a stroke and was not available at that
time.) My friend reminded me that we
take our problems to professionals, and
if I felt the medication made me feel “out
of it,” I could always stop.
My survival was more important. I never
did feel out of it, and I was able to go back
to working a program. I was able to come
off the medication nine months later.
I left my relationship, I lost my step-
children, and I lost some friends, too.
I’ve lost all hope of grandchildren as well.
So what do I do?
I work a daily program. I’m in the pro-
cess of writing another Fourth Step. I
pray for my ex to find inner peace and
happiness. I eat when I can, sleep when
I get too tired, put one foot in front of
the other, and breathe.
I cry a lot, laugh a lot, write a lot, and
talk about Milly a lot. I weep several
times a day, but it’s okay. I can weep for
Milly, laugh with joy, and drive a car—all
at the same time!
My emotions flow unhindered. The
depth of my agony for the loss of my
daughter lets me know how close we
were and how much I truly love her.
Why would I want to block that out
with chemicals? Why would I want to risk
blurring any precious memory that I have
of her? Milly lives on in my heart and in
my memory. I can’t allow her to die again!
Sometimes the people you think will
be supportive fade off into the distance,
while others to whom you never have felt
close before will be there for you. Em-
brace that support from these new friends.
Reach out. Hugs can save your life.
I will never be the person I was four
years ago. I am more than four years
older today, both in body and in spirit,
yet I am more than four years wiser, too.
I am stronger and more emotional and
more determined to live my life and my
dreams and be who I really am, without
excuse or apology.
I think it was Descartes, the rationalist
philosopher, who said, “I think, therefore I
am.” I disagree. I feel, therefore I am!
Today I feel alive through every cell
of my body, through every shred of pain,
joy, anger, and contentment I experience.
I am grateful for the NA program, for my
ex-sponsor, for my current sponsor on
the other side of the world, for my NA
sisters-in-sadness, and for all of my NA
family all around the world. I love you all.
Rosalinda R, Australia
What program
do you work?
There are a couple of things that I
thought about regarding this topic. First,
of course, is the NA program. You know:
the one where you call your sponsor on
a regular basis, work the steps, attend
meetings, and try to practice spiritual
principles in all of your affairs.
I remember the program where hon-
esty, open-mindedness, and willingness
are a way of life instead of just an ideal.
The program where we forgive others and
ourselves and make amends to those we
have harmed, except when to do so
would injure them or others.
I’m thinking about the program where
we reach out to others and attempt to
be totally selfless. The program where
we focus on giving back to others what
was freely given to us; where we love
each other until we have the strength to
love ourselves; where we give our phone
numbers to newcomers and socialize
after the meeting with other NA mem-
I’m talking about the program where
we are grateful for the freedom from the
bondage of active addiction; the pro-
gram that shows us how to become a
productive member of society; the pro-
gram that teaches us to not judge people
either by what they do or do not have,
or by whom they know or do not know.
It is in this program that we learn that
“clean time does not equal recovery”—
and neither does a bank-account bal-
You know that program, right? Yeah,
the program that saved my life, and
probably yours, too. The program where
the coffee wasn’t that great, but it was
better than the kind I couldn’t afford.
I remember that program—or, should
I say, I remember working that program
because, just like my Higher Power, that
program has never turned its back on
me. Whenever I have made the decision
to work that program during my six years
clean, I’ve had great personal successes,
moments of serenity, and feelings of
uninhibited happiness along with the
feelings of pain and sorrow.
Today I feel alive through every cell of
my body, through every shred of pain,
joy, anger, and contentment I
Now, I don’t know where it was that I
heard about this other program, or if I
just invented it, but I did find one that
was different. Today I call this other pro-
gram the “Trevor B Program.” You might
call it something else or recognize it by
a different name, but this is how I am
able to best recognize the “My Way” pro-
In this program, clean time does mean
something, because clean time is the
only thing I have when I am working the
“My Way” program. It’s the program
where I take your inventory instead of
mine and where material possessions
determine how I feel about others and
It’s the program where I talk about
newcomers and anyone else who is
working the NA program instead of talk-
ing to them, where what I do depends
on how you treat me, and where I never
have to take responsibility for my own
Does this sound familiar to you? I
know it does to me. The “My Way” pro-
gram is when I have a sponsor but don’t
call him. I don’t reach out for help, don’t
express my feelings, and don’t admit to
my wrongs.
The “My Way” program is where I take
service positions so that people will like
me—and when they don’t, I resign.
In “My Way,” I act out on my defects
of character instead of looking at them
and turning them over. And when and if
I pray, it is usually because I have done
something about which I am ashamed,
and I want my HP to help me hide it from
others or “get me out of this situation
NA equals life!
Living the program has been a long,
slow learning process for me that started
23 years ago with my decision to ask for
help. When I asked for help, it was to
enter yet another detox. I ended up in a
place that introduced me to the disease
concept of addiction.
They said it was going to take me a
lot longer than a week to get well! My
insanity was clear to everyone but me. I
had nice clothes, had money in the bank,
and I was only 23 years old. I still looked
okay if my arms and scars were hidden.
No one knew that having drugs inside
my body 24 hours a day was the most
important thing in my life.
They said drugs were just a symptom
of my problems. I could identify with feel-
ing ill at ease with living life drug-free.
That’s why I never stayed clean until this
last time. Everyone always told me to
stop using (and get rid of that boyfriend)!
At this last detox I had the support of
other recovering addicts who were do-
ing what I had wanted for years—to be
happy and free to choose. They intro-
duced me to the Twelve Steps that, even
today, never cease to amaze me with
such wisdom and the simplicity of how
to live.
When I got clean in 1979, there wasn’t
much literature—certainly no step work-
ing guide—and not a lot of people on
this side of the world with more clean
time than I had. With my faith in the pro-
gram, and learning to put into practice
principles like patience, faith, and cour-
age, I’ve been able to stay clean a day at
a time since then.
I am convinced that my passion to
carry the message and get a fellowship
helped me to keep at bay the very self-
centered nature of my disease. I learned
early in my recovery that, when I wake
up in the morning, it helps if I gently re-
mind myself that I am an addict, make a
decision to not pick up today, and ask
my God to help me be loving toward oth-
ers and myself. It works.
When I resist doing the things I need
to do, I get into “control mode.” I start
nagging and wanting to change my real-
ity. My day doesn’t go smoothly, and I
lose acceptance of the present. I have
just one more time and I’ll change, I
In the “My Way” program, meditation
is the period of time in my day when I
try to figure out exactly what went wrong
with my life. It’s the program that can
make using drugs look like the best
choice and, often, feel like the only
choice. In this program, if I end up do-
ing the steps, my writing is thoughtless,
short, and closed-minded.
If my step study group mentions
something I don’t agree with while I’m
working the “My Way” program, I explode
and quit instead of listening to what they
have to say or looking for what they see
in my behavior. This is the program where
the only meeting I go to is the one where
they are giving me a medallion, where
an act of selflessness is to not tell you
what I think of you, but tell everyone else
because I think you can’t handle the
Today I realize why I choose to act
this way, why I choose to work the “My
Way” program. The answer for me is
self-centered fear. The only way I have found
any real freedom from this defect has
been through working the Twelve Steps
of Narcotics Anonymous and following
the suggestions other recovering addicts
have given me.
Over the last couple of years I have
been caught in the “My Way” program,
and it took devastating events to bring
me back to the “NA Way” program.
The message I want to share is one
we have all heard before—and now I re-
ally believe it. That message is: “It works
if you work it!”
Trevor B, Canada
My wayMy way
My wayMy way
My way
no doubt that if I keep following such a
tangent, I will feel more and more miser-
able and eventually have to use again.
I still struggle to find and maintain the
balance I must have to take care of my
daily needs. Caring for myself means
doing such things as eating well, exer-
cising to keep my immune system
healthy and to help with my self-accep-
tance, and doing a little service. Then
there is the rest of my life and responsi-
bilities to indulge in—which I do with
I still fear my disease, so I stay im-
mersed in the fellowship. I knew after
completing my first Fifth Step and see-
ing myself properly for the first time in
years that I never needed to use again,
as long as I did the suggested basics.
I continue to write and share my
steps. Each time I work through the steps
I gain a deeper understanding of myself
that takes me to a new place of con-
sciousness and self-honesty.
I have a home group in which I stay
involved and accountable. I am missed
and challenged if I don’t attend, because
my home group members care about me.
This doesn’t mean I don’t have a life
outside of NA—I actually have a fulfill-
ing one.
NA keeps me focused on what I need,
the important things in life—otherwise
I get caught up in things that really don’t
matter, like wanting yet another pair of
Committing to service has been a life-
saver more than once. I have never used
it as a substitute for personal recovery,
but as more of a support structure and
a way of staying involved. Having group-
level commitments has steered me to at
least a weekly meeting where, more of-
ten than not, I hear just what I need to
Service has also been a catalyst in my
learning about the traditions and con-
cepts. My practice of these has given me
even more freedom. I have come to re-
alize the strength and wisdom of a group
working toward a common goal. And, of
course, service has been a provocateur
in bringing my defects of character to
the fore.
I sponsor a number of women. I don’t
ask them to do what I am not living my-
self. They are a constant source of chal-
lenge and inspiration to keep me grow-
ing and learning in all areas. Sponsor-
ship has played a big part in teaching
me how to communicate, listen, and
Currently, I have a co-sponsorship
relationship with a woman in Australia.
We share written work on the steps, tra-
ditions, and concepts via email or post.
Luckily, we have managed to be in the
same country for our Fourth and Fifth
Steps. When I feel I need more experi-
ence, I trust she knows me well enough
to help guide me.
Sponsorship was hard in the early
days here in New Zealand. I felt isolated
and hungry for fellowship. Communica-
tions were less instantaneous then, and
I am forever grateful for the women who
took the time to write and support me
during that time right through to now.
Today I have women friends at home who
are there for me, if I am willing to be
I treasure the intimacy I have with
women today. Prior to NA, I didn’t trust
women at all. They didn’t have what I
wanted! I also cherish the extraordinary
encouragement, love, and respect I have
received from my male peers in Sydney,
Australia. I love those guys!
I didn’t want to get clean unless it
meant I could have fun. I had such an
aversion to normality. In some ways I still
do! My life has been and continues to
be full of fun and opportunities beyond
my dreams.
I laugh with my friends. I can still be
wicked and mischievous, not harmful like
in the past. I have rich and long relation-
ships with all kinds of people today be-
cause through the steps and traditions I
have learned how to be myself with God
and others.
I can be spontaneous and feel free to
say what I think and believe. Yes, I still
have regrets sometimes over what
comes out of my mouth, but today I do
something about it. Better than the old
me, who used to hold back and filter it
all and never say what she really thought
about anything.
At age 35 I became a mother and went
through the shock of losing my indepen-
dence while at the same time learning
about unconditional love. Parenthood
has to be the most responsible job I have
Staying clean
no matter what
I feel like I barely remember being a
mother. My loss includes two sons. The
word loss understates the void in my life
caused by their deaths.
My sons died three months apart.
Traumatized, I found myself operating on
pure gut instinct. I had no previous ex-
perience with death in my immediate
family, but I did know the role of victim/
survivor, and I felt defeated.
When that gut instinct kicked in, I
knew what I had to do. My reactions were
based on the tools my recovery in NA
had given me.
Step One: “I can’t.”
Step Two: “We can.”
Step Three: “I need help.”
I asked for help.
Over and over, I meditated on a
simple prayer for help as well as the Se-
renity Prayer. I felt that my Higher Power
was carrying me, and I came to believe
that I could stay clean no matter what.
My family, friends, and local commu-
nity were in disbelief. The loss was diffi-
cult to comprehend—not just for me,
but also for them. Often I just needed
someone to be with me so I was not
alone. NA placed many people in my life,
ever had. It has also been the most joy-
ous. I am convinced it has kept my mind
young, reminding me to be playful, as
do the younger people coming into the
program today.
Oh, I have so much more to say now
that I have started. My fears were huge,
weighing down my life. I can’t believe I
have stayed involved and committed to
a dream that became a reality over 20
years ago.
It’s not about any power I have had;
rather, it’s because I have been blessed
with the ability to embrace this program,
put aside my doubts, and have faith in a
power greater than myself. That’s such
a long way from the frightened, self-de-
structive, abused woman I was when I
came into NA.
Janet C, New Zealand
A program
of humility
For me, the NA program equals hu-
mility, something recovery demands. I
need to be humble in order to give and
to take. I need to be humble in order to
learn and to teach.
Humbleness is the sensation I feel
standing in front of a big mountain. It is
the awesome sense of respect I feel for
the mountain’s immensity, and for the
magical wonder of life itself.
For me, humbleness means do not
interfere, do not stand in the way of (you
fill in the blank), and do not seek to be
right and important.
Humbleness helps to keep my point
of view flexible and open-minded so
that I do not waste too much time de-
fending views that have become stale
or outdated.
Humility is accepting the need for
Humility is knowing that there is no-
where to go. There is only the way—the
NA way.
Humility is admitting that I do not
know, accepting that my path is to learn,
and opening the door to new teachers.
Humility does not mean giving up my
dreams and ambitions. Rather, humility
is fulfilling those dreams without flatter-
ing myself.
Humility is having the knowledge that
in any situation, good or bad, there is a
lesson to learn—and that I am the stu-
Humility is having the knowledge to
know where I stand—and to be there.
Miko N, Israel
On the
right path
I just finished my class in college,
and— can you believe it?—I got an “A”!
When I was using drugs, I never got
anything better than a “C.” Because of
NA, I have found a fun way to study, and
I discover something new every day.
Not long ago I got laid off, and here
in Russia that is a big deal. But my spon-
sor helped me to walk through this big
When I first got clean, I didn’t have a
sponsor, and everyone around me spon-
sored me. I did okay for a while, but then
I found that I needed a sponsor who was
going to take me through the steps. I
needed someone with whom I could
share all of my secrets.
I finally met my sponsor at a meet-
ing, and she has helped me greatly. We
are friends, and I love her with all my
heart. Working the steps of NA with my
sponsor and studying Eastern philoso-
phy have helped me to find some inner
I want to let you know that my home
group here in Chita is doing well. More
people have started to show up at our
group, and we hope that, with the new
translated literature from NA World Ser-
vices, we will be more able to fulfill our
primary purpose.
There is no doubt that my Higher
Power is working in my life, and that I’m
on the right path.
Irina Z, Russia
a home group, a purpose to live, and a
sense of belonging somewhere.
My trust issues, abandonment is-
sues, and grief issues took a toll on my
family, as well as on those relationships
I had built in NA. Naturally, being the
good addict that I am, feelings of
uniqueness, shame, insecurity, and self-
centeredness were created. All I could
think about was, why me?
You see, my sons committed suicide.
Up until that happened, my under-
standing of how to deal with grief was
basically a Band-Aid solution. You know,
cry at least one time; write a goodbye
letter; say whatever you want; read it
out loud to someone; and then let it
go! Today I know it’s not that simple.
It’s difficult and sometimes over-
whelming to be around people, places,
things, or events that trigger memories
of my sons.
The action plan I use today to get
through those times includes planning
around dates, events, and whatever else
may arise in the day. My feelings change
rapidly, and sometimes I can’t deal with
life on life’s terms; hence, my need to
have some sort of a plan. My sponsor,
friends, Higher Power, and family sup-
port me on those days.
I have revised the Band-Aid ap-
proach. Here’s what works for me now:
crying as often as needed. Writing. Talk-
ing. Sharing whatever I need to share,
as often as I need to share it. And let-
ting go the best that I can.
I often let go of things by practicing a
ritual of reflection. I burn letters, personal
items, or duplicated pictures along with
some sage or sweet grass. This ritual helps
me feel like I’m offering a gift of love.
As the smoke rises, I visualize a
thought of placing my sons into God’s
hands. This energy can feel nurturing,
even though I know nothing can bring
back the dead. Taking a silent moment
makes me feel as if I can do something.
I send my love and energy to them ev-
ery day.
I may think about my HP in many
ways and engage in a number of com-
forting rituals. I do know, however, that
what’s truly important is staying clean,
living just for today, and sharing and
caring the NA way.
Debbie N, Minnesota
o Yes, I was taught not to get up and
walk out of a meeting, regardless of
whether or not I’ve shared. If I do,
then I might miss the very thing I
need to hear to stay clean.
o One of my biggest character defects
is time management. I’ll tell you one
thing: If I’m late to a meeting and I
need to share, I will!
o I grant that a step or topic meeting
should stay focused, but if someone
has a problem or is hurting, I pray
that they will be able to share so they
don’t feel the need to use. People
can identify with that person, share
their experience and hope, and then
share on the topic at hand in order
to keep the meeting focused.
o What about the things we usually say
at the beginning of our meetings, like
“It costs nothing to belong to this
fellowship” and “You are a member
of NA when you say you are”? Does
the Third Tradition apply only to
those who put money in the basket?
Of course not! If you have a dollar,
put it in; if not, maybe next time.
Meanwhile, keep coming back and
participate fully—you are a member
when you say so, not because you
have money to donate.
o I’m not here to please you or to follow
your rules; I’m here to save my life. If I
happen to offend you in the process,
I apologize for my part in creating your
resentment, but I will not risk my life
just to keep you happy.
o No, I don’t necessarily have to share
at every meeting I attend, but if I wish
to, it is my right. If my sponsor says I
need to share, then I probably do. Per-
haps I need a shove to get out of my
shell. Regardless, it is between my
sponsor and myself—which, inciden-
tally, you are not. I’ll progress in my
recovery at my own pace, with the help
of a loving Higher Power and the love
and open-mindedness found in most
of the rooms of NA around the world.
Written with love and care for all ad-
dicts, regardless of wellness, sickness,
clean time, or progress,
Frankie H, North Carolina
Picture this
NA communities are invited to send photographs of their meeting places. We espe-
cially welcome photos that include meeting formats, recovery literature, posters, dirty
coffee cups, and anything else that makes the meeting place look “lived in.” Sorry, we
cannot use photos that identify NA members. Please tell us about your meeting, its
name, the location and city, how long it has been in existence, and what your format
consists of (speaker, participation, etc.).
Our readers write…:
continued from page 2
This is one of two groups in Ystad, a small town in southern Sweden. Our group’s
name is Ystadgruppen (Ystad Group). We have meetings at 7:00 pm on Tuesdays (Step/
Tradition), Fridays (Theme), and Saturdays (Eleventh Step with meditation).
We are about 10 to 14 regular members, and sometimes when we have visitors we
have about 22 people attending our meetings. We hope to see a photo of our meeting
in The NA Way.
Ystad Group, Sweden
Being ‘a part of
It is late summer 2001, and while I sat in a downtown hotel meeting room on a sweltering
summer day in Atlanta, I thought I was dreaming. Three members from NA World Services—
one who came all the way from New Zealand—were talking about bringing the world con-
vention to Atlanta over the July Fourth weekend in 2002. We were in the process of being
informed of the things we would have to do in order to be a part of this wonderful event.
My mind drifted back to Labor Day 1979, when WCNA-9 was being held at the Biltmore
Hotel in Atlanta. Two things happened to me while attending that convention: I knew for
the very first time I was not alone; and I met, married, and later divorced the Friday night
Now, 23 years later, I finally have a chance to be part of a world convention! The region
elected me to the committee as secretary/treasurer. What an honor! Our committee worked
hard to recruit the volunteers needed, which was the primary duty of the WCNA Support
Committee. What a relief! You see, NAWS had to worry about putting the convention to-
gether. We provided input on speaker selection, but mostly we called almost 1,500 volun-
teers and worked out schedules for them to work in registration, developing programs,
merchandise, convention information, events, volunteer sign-in, and serenity keepers.
Somehow, by our Higher Power’s grace, we got everything done. I did very little com-
pared to the hard work of the others on our committee. For reasons yet unclear to me, I was
asked to open the convention on Thursday evening.
NAWS had put together a big-screen PowerPoint presentation using pictures of the
Biltmore and the single ballroom that held all 500 members who were present at that 1979
convention. These pictures were a sharp contrast to this year’s convention, where our
Saturday night meeting would be held at the Georgia Dome.
I stood at the podium and wept as I looked out over thousands of brother and sister
addicts. I remembered how many those five hundred members looked like in 1979, and how
few the “many” of that year looked like as compared to the many of this night. I realized that
this many were still but a few of the many yet to come, and I wept some more.
We were told by some of the members from NAWS that there would be “moments you’ll
never forget,” and this was certainly one of them.
Nothing, however, prepared me for the Unity Day celebration on Saturday in the Georgia
Dome. We were told earlier that at previous world conventions, we had been unsuccessful
at getting a hook-up with India. But tonight, we all agreed, would be the time for a miracle!
Do you know what happened? Yep, we got India!
A member put her arm on my shoulder, and we both cried when she said, “Scott, we got
our miracle tonight.” It was at that moment that I knew I was part of a worldwide fellowship,
and that we were just witnessing the sunrise of Narcotics Anonymous around the world.
I suddenly felt at one with all NA members and with my God. It was, and is, indescrib-
I will be 60 in January 2003, and I will be clean 29 years the following month. I have now
spent almost half my life as a clean, recovering member of Narcotics Anonymous. When I
got clean in 1974, there were barely 1,000 members of NA in all the world. Now we are
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of you and for being such a big part of me. All that
is good, all that is decent about me is a direct result of our program and my Higher Power.
Thank you for giving me the program and leading me to my Higher Power.
Love and blessing,
Scott A, Georgia
Home Group*
“There are many ways of doing things in Narcotics Anonymous. And just as all of us have our
own individual personalities, so will your group develop its own identity, its own way of doing
things, and its own special knack for carrying the NA message. That’s the way it should be. In
NA we encourage unity, not uniformity.”
The Group Booklet, pg. 1
This is a column for you, about you, and by you. We invite you to share
any challenges your group may have faced, how your group reached a solution,
and/or its “special knack” that keeps you coming back!
*See page 22 for an update on The NA Way’s new group column.
On being of service
I first became a group service representative (GSR) before I had a year clean, and
learned by hard experience to go with a full belly. Also, when I am using caffeine, I try
to have enough in me to keep people from hearing me snore, but not enough to want
to engage in shouting matches.
Like war, area service committee (ASC) meetings are boring, except when they’re
not. War should not be a good comparison to an ASC meeting, but we (people, not
just addicts) do thrive on conflict!
I was told, and have often heard, that the most important thing for a GSR to do is
buy literature for the group and get the current schedule of meetings. I don’t know
about priorities, but that is only one of the duties of the GSR.
It is also our responsibility to make sure that any excess funds from our group travel
to the service structure. In my region, this means we give the cash to the ASC trea-
surer, and after they have paid for rent, phoneline, H&I and PI literature, activities, and
minutes, the rest goes to the regional service committee (RSC).
I also have learned to have paper and pen, because I cannot count on getting the
minutes of the ASC before my home-group conscience, and even if I get them, I might
forget to bring them to the group. Having notes doubles the chance that I will have
something substantial to report to my group.
My system for taking notes is to write down everything that might be significant
and later go over my notes, putting a star by the things that I want my home-group
members to know. The most important things are any motions to be voted on by the
groups and nominations for open positions at the ASC.
I have found it is much better to fill positions by approaching people directly and
letting them know I feel they would be very good at such and such a job. Maybe this
makes me a member of the G&I (guilt and intimidation) committee, but it gets the
message where I want it.
If I just announce open positions at meetings, I usually get no response, or at worst
alert some power-hungry addict that there is somewhere for them to practice their
It is important for me to choose my battles in committee work. I have opinions on
every topic of discussion, but I save my voice for the ones I consider most important.
My experiences as a chair have taught me that most committees are dominated by
a few individuals who feel the need to express their views on every topic. My “solu-
tion” is to nominate these individuals to a chair position where they would be prohib-
ited from expressing their opinions, their sole duty being to give everyone with some-
thing to say a chance to express their views. More often than not they learn the lesson
and become better committee members.
Being a GSR and holding other service positions has been a growing experience. I
stop short of saying “a rewarding experience,” but it has given me lots of practice in
working the steps. I must remember I
am powerless over other people, that
there is a power greater than myself in
control, and that I need to let what hap-
pens happen.
Service often forces me to look at my
role in creating and resolving conflict,
and share that experience. I may find
myself doing things I know are wrong
and remember to ask for help in chang-
ing those behaviors. I have to see the
people I have harmed and make amends
as necessary. I have to admit I am not
perfect, but seek perfection.
It works, if you work it.
Jim M,
Chesapeake and Potomac Region
Finding a home
The following article is from a member in
Upper Dharamsala, India, in the Himalayas
of far northern India. This is the home of many
Tibetan Buddhist exiles as well as the Dalai
Lama. It is a very remote spot, and it takes
many hours by Jeep to even reach the train
Please keep in mind that in Tibetan cul-
ture it is disgraceful to be an addict, and usu-
ally something like this would never be known
outside of the family. For these men to join
NA and declare themselves addicts shows a
great courage and understanding of our prin-
ciple of anonymity.
I want to share with you that it ap-
pears that NA Dhasa is finally, really hap-
pening. After losing our meeting place
last winter and being without meetings
since January, I received an email inform-
ing me that NA meetings will be held on
Saturdays and Wednesdays. There are
now six Tibetan male addicts who want
to have meetings and get involved with
translation work. The meetings are con-
ducted in the Tibetan language.
There are also another eleven or twelve
Tibetan members in Delhi for treatment,
and they will be getting out soon. We will
have to find a larger meeting space when
they return.
It looks, four years after NA first opened
here, like it might just get going!
Lisa M, India
NA has been very
good to me…
Narcotics Anonymous has given me the gift of dreams that I never knew existed
and having them come true. I couldn’t make an inventory that counted them all—it
would just be too extensive!
One of those dreams that I didn’t know existed when I got clean in 1986 was the service
I would be allowed to do in NA. Service comes in many shapes and sizes. We do service to
the best of our ability, and as we do we find out what our best abilities are.
Perhaps the greatest gift of service I have received is the honor and privilege to be
invited to share my recovery at conventions. I have had the opportunity since 1997 to
be a speaker at several NA conventions.
While doing this particular service, I’ve met many extraordinary people from all
over the world.
At a recent convention I experienced a profound spiritual awakening. It has become
the foundation for making amends to anyone who needs to hear it, as well as to myself.
I believe that language, word choice, and profanity have long been points of con-
tention throughout our fellowship. I have been called controversial, irreverent, radi-
cal, and even militant. I need to claim my own part in this, no matter how large or
small it may appear to be.
Profanity has been a struggle for me. It has been a hard, uphill battle to moderate
and soften it. My use of profanity is not what it used to be; however, I know that
resting on the progress I’ve already made is not enough.
Whenever I share at a convention, I always give a warning that I am prone to using
colorful language. The uncomfortable reality is that for a long time I felt that this
disclaimer was sufficient license for me to not be conscious of using colorful lan-
guage. Until this past convention experience, I didn’t know the extent to which my
indulgence in profanity obscured my message.
An addict whose opinion I greatly respect sent me an email after I left the last
convention at which I shared. The email told, in part, about how disappointed many
of the members were with my use of profanity. It also pointed out that their local NA
community doesn’t tolerate swearing in their meetings and pointed out several ways
in which they deal with this challenge.
This one addict’s “share from the heart” had a stunning effect on me.
One of the most significant gifts that NA has given me is respectability as a human
being. Respect and dignity are attributes for recovering addicts if we are to achieve unity
and help to create a loving and safe environment for newcomers and oldtimers alike.
Part of my new awareness includes
not treading upon another addict’s sen-
sitivity by using inappropriate expletives.
Anything I can do to bridge that separa-
tion, I believe, is my responsibility to do.
I have come to understand that pro-
fanity for effect or by unconscious us-
age is not suitable when I am a conven-
tion speaker—certainly when my pres-
ence represents carrying a message of
recovery in NA. I don’t have the right to
drive fellow addicts from any meeting
just because they prefer the English lan-
guage to be spoken as it should be!
For my program and myself, I am
newly dedicated to becoming a person
who no longer uses profanity while at the
podium of Narcotics Anonymous.
I welcome the challenge of continu-
ing to become a better person and dis-
covering the essence of self-respect.
Bob G, California
Why are
we here?
I’m writing to you to discuss something that has slowly been gaining momentum in
my region—the Greater Philadelphia Region—and, I suspect, elsewhere. It’s the evo-
lution of the non-profanity meeting.
I personally have no problem with a group that would like to request at the begin-
ning of the meeting that we be mindful of our language due to the presence of chil-
dren or the rules of the facility in which the meeting is being held and leaving it at
that. What has evolved, though, is a belief that eradicating foul language from all
meetings would be a good idea.
How that works is if you curse during your share, the chairperson interrupts you
each time and informs you that this is a nonprofanity meeting and no cursing is al-
This might not sound like a big deal, but in a region that has gotten rid of most of
your garden-variety controversies—other fellowships, special interest meetings, etc.—
this is quickly becoming a heated topic.
These well-intentioned members believe that we can set examples for the new-
comer by making the statement that part of getting clean is cleaning up our language.
I’ve even heard some of the oldtimers around here say they are tired of profanity,
referring to it as “the language of disease.”
I’ve heard members use the common justification of the Fourth Tradition for im-
posing an idea upon their group, while neglecting the Third Tradition, which clearly
states the only requirement for membership and participation.
As a recovering addict who loves NA, who continues to write and work the steps,
who loves to help newcomers, and who has tried to be a servant for the last twelve
wonderful years, I am having great difficulty being policed in meetings for my some-
times colorful language.
People, this is neither a church nor English 101. Correcting our use of language is
not what we’re here to do. If I had come to NA and only heard all of you “better
people sharing, it might have been harder for me to identify.
Besides, these nonprofanity meetings are in clear disagreement with the Third
Tradition. Remember that we’re here saving lives from the horrors of active addiction,
not something as petty as improving people’s rhetorical skills!
Our cause is much more grand and much more noble. Let’s not forget where we
came from or whom we’re here to help.
Just another ****ing committed addict, Pennsylvania
H&I Slim
For those of you who haven’t had the
pleasure of meeting him, H&I Slim is “the
ultimate H&I kinda guy.” He hangs out
in hospitals and jails all over the world.
You might say he’s always in the know
and always on the go. Got a question
about H&I? Need some help? Write H&I
Slim in care of the WSO.
Dear H&I Slim,
I’m an inmate in a state prison doing a life sentence. I’ve been going to meetings
here for a few years now. We are somewhat isolated (mile-wise), and the local H&I
committee can only bring in one meeting every other month, but we have an in-house
NA meeting once a week.
I am fortunate and grateful to have a copy of the Basic Text, but I am getting some-
what confused and frustrated. Listening to the guys who come in here to share and
the guys who are in NA on the inside, as well as reading my text, I understand that
recovery is working the Twelve Steps. I want what those H&I guys have—that peace of
mind and that look of being comfortable in their own skin.
I know I need a sponsor, someone to help me through the steps, so I can stay clean
and live the program while I live my life out. I’m basically asking, “How do I get a
sponsor?” I know some guys who have sponsors from the other fellowship, but I’m an
addict, and I need an NA sponsor. I’ve already asked some of the guys who come in
here to do H&I to sponsor me, and they said they couldn’t sponsor me due to a
conflict of interest. Help me, please. I want to live at peace within my surroundings
and within myself.
Dear Friend from Louisiana,
”How do I find a sponsor?”
I honestly wish there was an easy answer to that question. I know the World Service
Office receives countless letters from addicts just like you who are in search of spon-
Over a period of time, a number of committees have developed that engage in
sponsorship behind the walls. Unfortunately, at this time such committees are rare. If
those services were provided in the area or region where the facility is located, I am
confident that the H&I members would have informed you. I know there are those
who believe that sponsorship should be face-to-face, but when circumstances dic-
tate, you have to do the best you can with what you have.
You have a few members of H&I who come in to do a meeting a month. You have a
few guys on the inside who have exposure to NA. You also have a copy of the Basic
Text, Narcotics Anonymous, which includes Chapter Four, “How It Works.” It’s going to
take some effort from you and others to make these tools work for all of you. Never-
theless, I believe that they can work.
I hope this will fall into place for you, as well as for the addicts yet to come to your
If you want to work the steps, you may want to focus on Chapter Four in the Basic
Text. If at all possible, also get hold of one or more copies of the book It Works: How and
Why, for a beginning. (It Works is NA’s book on the steps and traditions.) You could
follow up with asking the H&I members coming in to your institution to share their
own experiences with the steps.
You could then change the format of
the in-house meeting, alternating a step
study with a discussion or topic meet-
ing. As you begin to build your experi-
ence and knowledge about the steps and
some of the principles embodied within
them, you could find another addict who
is serious about living the program. You
could begin to work the steps together.
Perhaps someone who has had pre-
vious exposure to NA would be a good
person to begin with. As you move along,
and as time goes by, sooner or later you
and perhaps the other inmate will have
gone through the steps and in turn be
available for sponsorship. It could con-
tinue to grow until there are a number
of inmates sponsoring one another.
As you are going through this process,
I would use the H&I members from the
outside as a sounding board—if they are
willing—to align your step work with the
way a member on the outside works the
I know this isn’t the suggested or per-
fect way to accomplish the intended goal
of sponsorship and step work, and I’m
sure some members will disagree with
this method; however, as I mentioned
earlier to you, you have to do the best
you can with what you have.
I am confident that while you go
through the steps you will identify spiri-
tual principles you can start practicing
in all of your affairs. When that happens,
all will be well—and whatever happens,
I wish you all the best.
In loving service,
H&I Slim
We are looking forward to celebrating the 50th anniversary of
Narcotics Anonymous in July 2003! It promises to be an
awesome experience, and we are asking for your help with
finding workshop speakers for this special celebration.
Names and/or tapes of members wishing to speak at a world convention workshop.
Clean time requirements are: ten years clean for main meeting and five years clean for
workshops. Workshop speakers will be selected from the convention’s preregistration list.
Members wishing to evaluate speaker tapes.
Should have a willingness to serve; adequate time to evaluate the tapes (you will have
approximately 100 tapes to evaluate); ability to keep deadlines; a minimum of five years clean;
and a completed World Pool Information Form.
Simply complete the form below and send it to the WSO via mail, fax, or email.
Recommendations for workshop speakers and/or submissions for tape evaluations should
be sent as soon as possible and no later than 31 January 2003.
You may also send a tape to the WSO.
Name of person to be considered as a workshop speaker: ________________________________________________
I’m willing to be a tape evaluator: _____________________________________________________________________
Street Address ____________________________________________________ Apt# ___________________________
City _____________________________________________________________ State/Province ____________________
Country _________________________________________________________ Postal Code ______________________
Daytime Telephone ( ) ___________________ Evening Telephone ( ) _____________________
Clean Date ______/______/______ (Ten years/main meeting and five years/workshops required.)
I am currently planning to attend WCNA-30. Circle one: Yes / No / Not Sure
Please fax or email completed application to (818) 700-0700 or WCNAspeaker@na.org.
Mail to: NA World Services
Attn: WCNA-30 Speakers
PO Box 9999
Van Nuys, CA 91409
So you want to speak
at WCNA-30…
closer than you think
Help Our WCNA team…
Gather both visual and written information about NA history throughout the world.
By recommending workshop speakers and/or submitting tapes for consideration.
Identify members willing to help evaluate speaker tapes submitted.
Written History And Tapes…
We hope to capture a tapestry that will represent our colorful history at WCNA-30. NA struggled through
many hard times—and almost vanished—over the years since its humble beginning in 1953 to become
the worldwide fellowship we know today as Narcotics Anonymous.
Does your group have any items of interest that we can display at this special celebration? If you, your
area, or your region has anything you would be willing to share with the world, please send it to the
World Service Office as soon as possible or contact the WSO for additional information. Sometimes
flyers, pictures, and other memorabilia can speak to us in a powerful and unique way.
We would also like to collect written histories about the beginnings of Narcotics Anonymous in your
community, and we ask that you consider developing this information for distribution at WCNA-30.
If you have a tape or you are interested in evaluating speaker tapes, please fill out the form on the
previous page. If you do not have a tape, you can submit your name and personal information on the
form as well. We will use the preregistration list to try to determine who will be attending the convention
when choosing workshop speakers. You can also contact WCNAspeaker@na.org for more information.
Here is your opportunity to take part in this once-in-a-lifetime event
and truly give meaning to the phrase together we can!
We look forward to seeing you in July 2003!
The 50th anniversary of Narcotics Anonymous and WCNA-30
are just a short nine months away! This mega-celebration will take
place from 3 July to 6 July 2003 in San Diego, California. Because
of the enormity and historical significance of this event, we are asking
for your help!
San Diego
One of the top five summer destinations in the US!
San Diego is among the top summer destination cities, especially for conventions, since the
weather is always warm and balmy. Room rates are especially high—similar to New York and
San Francisco—with typical vacation rates for downtown hotels running $200-$300 per night.
Downtown San Diego is bustling with multitudes of restaurants and hot music spots. You can
expect to find our convention rates higher than most world conventions. However, these rates
are significantly discounted to prices that will be nearly
impossible to beat in any downtown property. Watch for
hotel rooms to go on sale 1 December 2002 and for
rooms to sell out fast. There is no way to purchase
hotel rooms before they go on sale. Calling the
hotels directly will not help you, so we ask
that you please be patient!
You, too, can become
a responsible and productive member…
Do You…
Have five or more years clean, service experience, and skills that could contribute to World Service projects?
Have You…
Already submitted your name to the World Pool by using the previous version of the information form?
If you answered yes to either question, then you…
Will need to submit the new and improved World Pool Information Form. The new form has more areas that
correspond with our new and improved database.
Being a member of the World Pool gives you an opportunity to selflessly serve YOUR
fellowship. It also means your name is available for projects and/or nominations.
When the World Board needs individual members (and this could be YOU) to participate in
projects or work groups and/or when nominees are needed for World Service Conference
elections, the World Pool database is searched for people who meet certain requirements.
The World Pool Information Form is available upon request from the WSO. You can also fill
out and submit the form via the Narcotics Anonymous World Services website, www.na.org.
You can mail or fax the completed forms if you wish. The mailing address for the WSO is
19737 Nordhoff Place, Chatsworth, CA 91311. The fax number is 818.700.0700.
Don’t deprive your fellow members
of you and your service any longer…
sign up today!
We encourage you to publicize your event by having it published on our website and in The NA Way Magazine. You can inform the WSO about
your event by fax, phone, or regular post, or through our website. We encourage using the website because you can check to see if we already
have a listing on your convention and, if not, you can enter your own convention information. It is then reviewed, formatted, and added to the
online convention calendar on our website in approximately four days. Just go to www.na.org, click on “NA Events,” and follow the instructions.
Convention announcements entered through the website and those received by other means are also given to The NA Way. The NA Way is published
four times a year in January, April, July, and October. Each issue goes into production long before its distribution date, so we need a minimum of three
months’ notice to ensure your event will be published in the magazine—that’s three months before our publication date. For instance, if you want your
event published in the October issue, we need to know by 1 July.
Cordoba: 15-17 Nov; X Convención Regional Argentina (CRANA X);
Hotel Luz y Fuerza, Villa Giardino; hotel rsvns: +05.41143425464;
write: Argentina, San Martin 66 2do 216; www.na.org.ar
Victoria: 17-19 Jan; 2nd Combined Tasmanian and Victorian Area
Convention 2003; St Hilda’s College, University of Melbourne,
Melbourne; event info: +61.395.92.2345; write: Australian Region,
Box 2470V, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia
Southampton: 28-30 Mar; 3rd Bermuda Islands Area Convention;
Sonesta Resort Hotel, Hamilton; hotel rsvns: 441.238.8122; event
info: 441.296.2492; event registration: 441.295.5300; speaker tape
submission deadline: 1 Mar 2003; write: Bermuda Islands Area, Box
DV690, Devonshire, DVBX, Bermuda
Parana: 13-15 Dec; 9th Enconpasso-Parana Area; “We Are a Vision
of Hope”; Curitiba; event info: 329.0005 (in country), 264.8443 (in
country); write: Parana Area, Caixa Postal 18118, Curitiba CEP 80811-
970, Parana, Brazil
São Paulo: 17-20 Oct; XIII Convenção Regional de NA; Serra Negra;
event info: +55.11.6693.6713, +55.11.9688.1194; write: Brazil, Rua
Dr. Costa Valente 144, 2
andar Sala 24 cep 03052-000, São Paulo SP;
British Columbia: 15-17 Nov; Canadian Convention X; “The Adven-
ture”; Coast Plaza Hotel and Suites, Vancouver; hotel rsvns:
604.688.7711; event info: 604.572.0815, 604.828.3629; write:British
Columbia Region, CCNA X, Box 54140, Lonsdale West RPO, North
Vancouver, BC V7M 3L5, Canada; www.bcrscna.bc.ca
Ontario: 7-9 Feb; Toronto Area Convention III; Crowne Plaza Hotel,
Toronto; write: Toronto Area, Box 5700 Depot A, Toronto, Ontario
M5W 1N8, Canada; www.torontona.ca
2) 28-2 Feb; Ontario Regional Convention XVI; Sheraton Hamilton
Hotel, Hamilton; hotel rsvns: 800.325.3535; event info: 905.529.5515;
write: Ontario Region, Box 5939 Depot A, Toronto, Ontario M3W 1P3,
Canada; www.orscna.org/o.r.c.n.a.xvi.html
Central America
Costa Rica: 14-17 Nov; Convención Regional de Costa Rica VII; “Vivo
en libertad…un despertar espiritual/I Live in Freedom…A Spiritual
Awakening;” Best Western Irazú, San José; hotel rsvns:
asolano@grupomarta.com; event info: 506.382.2727, 506.376.4250;
write: CRNACR VII, Box 2148-1000, San José, Costa Rica
El Salvador: 28 Nov-1 Dec; CRENAES I; Regional Convention; Costa
del Sol, San Salvador; write: El Salvador Region, 55 Ave Sur Y Ave
Olimpica N 10, San Salvador, El Salvador
Honduras: 8-10 Dec; Convention International Spanish NA; Hotel
Princess, Tegucigalpa; hotel rsvns: +976.5316; event registration:
+2395910; speaker tape submission deadline: 7 Nov 2002; write:
Tegucigalpa, Honduras Convention International, Tegucigalpa, Hon-
Maharashtra: 22-24 Nov; Pune Area Campout; “Asha (Hope)”;
Deshpande Bungalow, Pune; email: nairfchair@hotmail.com,
Matheran: 16-18 Jan; 10th Bombay Area Convention; Widening Ho-
rizons; Hotel Riviera, Matheran; event info: +98.212.09510,
+98.201.44155, +98.201.30770; write: Bombay Area, Box 1953, GPO,
Bombay 400001 India
Baja California: 18-20 Oct; Area Baja Costa; “Una Decada de
Esperanza/A Decade of Hope”; Grand Hotel, Tijuana; hotel rsvns:
866.472.6385; event info: 858.277.6438, 626.331.2027,
925.755.8885; write: Area Baja Costa, PMB-80, Box 439056, San Di-
ego, CA 92143
New Zealand
Auckland: 25-27 Oct; 8th Regional Convention; “20/20 Vision: Cel-
ebrating 20 Years of NA”; Freeman’s Bay Community Centre, Auckland;
event info: +0064.0.25.745.611, +0064.0.9.360.7073
Warsaw: 8-11 Nov; 12th Polish Regional Convention; email for event
info: kowna@go2.pl, janusz@pkhe.pl; write: Warsaw Region, Natolinski
Osrodek Kultury, Ul. Na Uboczu 3, 02-791 Warszawa
South America
Venezuela: 8-10 Nov; Convención Regional de Venezuela I; Hotel Caracas,
Caracas; hotel rsvs: www.hiltoncaracas.com.ve; event info:
+58.412.7356740; email:scr@na-venezuela.org; www.na-venezuela.org
Göteborg: 28 Feb-2 Mar; “En Ny Chans (A New Chance)”; 16th Anni-
versary; Folkets Hus Göteborg, Olof Palmes Plats, Göteborg; event
registration: +460707235862; email: ennychans@hotmail.com;
United States
Alabama: 7-9 Feb; Out of the Darkness into the Light VII; Holiday
Inn, Decatur; hotel rsvns: 256.355.3150; event info: 256.852.2308,
256.498.5031, 256.751.2088; write: NAACC, Box 18231, Huntsville,
Alaska: 11-13 Oct; Alaska Regional Convention XVIII; Millennium
Hotel, Anchorage; hotel rsvns: 800.544.0553; event info:
907.522.2069, 907.349.9707, 907.332.4539; write: Alaska Region, Box
102924, Anchorage, AK 99510-2924; www.akna.org
Arkansas: 7-9 Mar; ARVANA 10th Annual Hangin’ in the Fort Con-
vention; Fifth Season’s Inn, Fort Smith; hotel rsvns: 479.452.4880;
event info: 479.484.0254, 479.561.2307, 479.522.7515; speaker tape
submission deadline: 10 Jan 2003; write: Arkansas River Valley Area,
Box 5631, Fort Smith, AR 72913
California: 11-13 Oct; Rainbow Convention VII; Ramada Plaza Hotel,
San Francisco; hotel rsvns: 800.227.4747; event info: 415.401.7095;
speaker tape info: 415.550.8393; event registration: 415.401.7095;
write: San Francisco Area, The Rainbow Convention, 78 Gough St,
San Francisco, CA 94102-5902
2) 10-12 Jan; Tri Area Convention III; Red Lion Inn, Redding; hotel
rsvns: 530.221.8700; event info: 530.321.8069, 530.892.9399;
3) 21-23 Feb; Central California Regional Convention XI; “Keep It
Simple”; Marriott, Ventura; hotel rsvns: 877.983.6887; event info:
805.937.5870, 661.250.2164; event registration: 805.382.1922; write:
CCRCNA, Box 2170, Santa Maria, CA 93457-2170; www.ccrna.org;
email: ccrcna-registration@excite.com
4) 3-6 Jul; WCNA-30; 30th World Convention; “50th Anniversary of
NA”; San Diego Convention Center, San Diego; write: NA World Ser-
vices, 19737 Nordhoff Pl, Chatsworth, CA 91311
Colorado: 11-13 Oct; CRCNA XVI; Millennium Harvest-House, Boul-
der; hotel rsvns: 303.443.3850; event info: 303.427.2068; write: Colo-
rado Region, Box 1437, Denver, CO 80201-1437; www.nacolorado.org/
Florida: 4-6 Oct; MidCoast Convention 2002; Embassy Suites-Boca
Raton, Boca Raton; hotel rsvns: 1.800.EMBASSY; event info:
561.702.2000, 561.945.7488; write: MidCoast Area, Box 1613, Delray
Beach, FL 33447; www.midcoastarea.org/MCCNA
2) 18-20 Oct; Heartland Area Convention; “Real Freedom Is Possible”;
Grenlefe Resort, Haines City; hotel rsvns: 863.421.5004; event reg-
istration: 863.667.2087; event info: 863.647.0863
3) 8-10 Nov; Rainbow Weekend VI; Ramada Plaza Marco Polo Beach
Resort, Miami Beach; hotel rsvns: 877.327.6363; event registration:
954.426.4746; speaker tape info: 954.925.0344; write: New Path
Group, 1231 A Las Olas Blvd, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33301;
4) 23-26 Jan; 14th Annual Palm Coast Area Spiritual Retreat; at Gold
Coast Christian Camp, Lantana; event registration: 561.743.5578;
event info: 561.630.6446; write: Palm Coast Area, Box 20984, West
Palm Beach, FL 33416
Georgia: 10-12 Jan; Peace in Recovery XV; Wingate Hotel, Augusta;
hotel rsvns: 800.993.7232; event info: 706.793.5454, 706.564.5391,
803.279.0172; write: CSRA, Box 133, Augusta, GA 30901
Hawaii: 24-27 Oct; HRCNA XI; “E Pupukahi (We Are One)”; Radisson
Waikiki Prince Kuhio Hotel, Waikiki; hotel rsvns: 888.557.4422; write:
Hawaii Region, Box 90365, Honolulu, HI 96835; www.na-hawaii.org/
Idaho: 24-26 Oct; Pacific Northwest Convention 26; Doubletree
Boise Riverside, Boise; hotel rsvns: 800.222.8733; event registration:
208.886.9856; event info: 208.869.4568; speaker tape information:
208.866.8221; write: Southern Idaho Region, Box 651, Wendell, ID
83355; www.sirna.org/pnw26.htm
Illinois: 15-17 Nov; GIRCNA VI; “Never Alone, Never Again”; Mark
Twain Hotel, East Peoria; hotel rsvns: 309.699.3000; write: Greater
Illinois Region, Box 6326, Peoria, IL 61601-6326
Kansas: 4-6 Oct; Dodge City NA Roundup; Moose Lodge, Dodge
City; event info: 620.225.3066; event registration: 620.225.6505;
write: Dodge City Area, 2317 Fairway Dr, # A, Dodge City, KS 67801;
Massachusetts: 10-12 Jan; Weathering the Storm; Sheraton
Braintree, Braintree; hotel rsvns: 781.848.0600; event info:
508.653.2342, 617.592.2131; event registration: 617.427.8207;
speaker tape submission deadline: 1 Oct 2002; write: Boston Area,
398 Columbus Ave, Boston, MA 02116
Minnesota: 28 Feb-2 Mar; Circle of Sisters 6th Annual Women’s
Convention; NOTE: Hotel Change: Doubletree Grand, Bloomington;
hotel rsvns: 952.854.2244 or charity.marra@starwoodhotels.com;
event registration: 651.487.5000; speaker tape info: 651.455.4888;
event info: 612.879.8203; write: South Suburban Fireside Area, Circle
of Sisters 6, Industrial Station, Box 4580, St Paul, MN 55104
Nebraska: 18-20 Oct; NRCNA XIX; Howard Johnson Inn, Lincoln;
hotel rsvns: 402.464.3171; write: Nebraska Region, NRCNA XIX, Box
29693, Lincoln, NE 68529-0693; NRCNA@nebraska.org
2) 21-23 Feb; Close Encounters of the Clean Kind; Best Western
Redick Hotel, Omaha; hotel rsvns: 888.342.5339; event info:
402.551.5199; speaker tape submission deadline: 31 Dec 2002; write:
Eastern Nebraska, Box 3937, Omaha, NE 68102; www.close-encoun-
New Jersey: 1-3 Nov; Northeast Area; Together We Can in the Spirit
of Unity VIII; Sheraton Hotel, Newark; hotel rsvns: 973.690.5500;
event registration: 732.613.6149; event info: 908.653.0004,
908.355.3200; write: Northeast Area of New Jersey, Box 409, Roselle,
NJ 07203
2) 31 Dec-1 Jan; BASCNA New Year’s Eve Convention 9; “Come to
Believe”; East Brunswick Hilton, East Brunswick; hotel rsvns:
800.445.8667, 732.868.2000
3) 21-23 Feb; Celebrating Recovery II; “The Process Continues”;
Wyndham Hotel / Newark Airport, Newark; hotel rsvns: 800.996.3426;
event registration: 973.399.2751; event info: 973.623.8526,
973.416.0095; write: Greater Newark Area, Box 3412, Newark, NJ
New Mexico: 14-16 Mar; Rio Grande Regional Convention XIV; Best
Western Inn and Suites, Farmington; hotel rsvns: 800.528.1234; event
registration: 505.327.5221; www.riograndena.org
New York: 4-6 Oct; Lighting the Way IV; Sheraton Hotel, Hauppauge;
hotel rsvns: 631.231.1100; event registration: 631.581.1234; speaker
tape info: 631.580.3827; write: Suffolk Area and Greater New York
Region, Box 460, Islip Terrace, NY 11752; www.sasna.org
2) 9 Nov; Nassau Area Mini-Convention; Valley Stream Central High
School, Valley Stream; speaker tape info: 516.541.6022; event info:
516.322.1061, 516.647.9625; write: Nassau Area Convention Com-
mittee, 161 Levittown Pkwy Ste 12, Hicksville, NY; www.nassauna.org
North Carolina: 3-5 Jan; WNCA XVIII; “Spiritually High in the Land
of the Sky”; Ramada Plaza Hotel, Asheville; hotel rsvns: 800.678.2161;
event info: 828.683.6144, 828.686.0785; write: Western North Caro-
lina, Box 16238, Asheville, NC 28816
The New
Home Group Column
Since we have received so many great title
suggestions for the new group column and
we are still undecided about choosing a
name, we are extending the deadline to
1 November 2002. In the meantime, until
we have selected the column’s name, we will
call the column Home Group.
We want to remind you to “keep it simple.”
The NA Way Magazine is published in English,
French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish,
and sometimes, when a title rhymes or
sounds good in English, it does not always
translate with the same effect in another
You may continue to submit your ideas for
the column’s name to The NA Way Magazine,
19737 Nordhoff Place, Chatsworth, CA 91311
or email nancys@na.org.
2) 21-23 Feb; Freedom by the Sea II; Holiday Inn Sun Spree Resort,
Wrightsville Beach; hotel rsvns: 877.330.5050; event info:
910.342.0693, 910.815.3147, 910.792.1709; write: Coastal Carolina
Area, Box 561, Wilmington, NC 28401
Ohio: 29 Oct-1 Nov; Greater Cincinnati Area Convention; King Is-
land Resort, Cincinnati; event info: 513.396.6881, 513.661.2583,
513.706.1139; write: Greater Cincinnati Area and Northern Kentucky,
Box 19439, Cincinnati, OH 45219; www.nacincy.org
2) 3-5 Jan; Central Ohio Area Convention (COACNA XIV); Columbus
Marriott North, Columbus; hotel rsvns: 800.228.3429; event info:
614.257.0407; write: Central Ohio Area, Box 32351, Columbus, OH
Oregon: 1-3 Nov; PCRNA; Western Service Learning Days XVI; Holi-
day Inn-Portland Airport Hotel and Trade Center, Portland; hotel rsvns:
503.256.5000; event info: 541.547.4162, 541.607.7042; write: Pa-
cific Cascade Region, WSLD #16, Box 71942, Eugene, OR 97401-
2) 14-16 Feb; Mid-Willamette Valley Area Convention V; “The Journey
Is Spiritual”; Spirit Mountain Lodge and Casino, Grande Ronde; ho-
tel rsvns: 888.668.7366; event registration: 503.393.8444; event info:
503.391.4614; speaker tape info: 503.585.8748; write: Mid-Willamette
Valley Area, Box 17525, Salem, OR 97305
Pennsylvania: 15-17 Nov; Start to Live XX; Hilton Pittsburgh and
Towers, Pittsburgh; hotel rsvns: 800.445.8667; event info:
412.853.2742; event registration: 412.366.3244; speaker tape info:
412.243.6968; write: Tri State Region, Box 337, Homestead, PA 15120
South Carolina: 21-24 Nov; Serenity Festival XX; Myrtle Beach Con-
vention Center, Myrtle Beach; hotel rsvns: 910.602.3546; event info:
910.326.5529, 910.997.3395, 843.602.7738; write: Carolina Region,
Serenity Festival Planning Committee, Box 1198, Myrtle Beach, SC
Tennessee: 27 Nov-1 Dec; Volunteer Region Convention XX; Sheraton
Music City, Nashville; hotel rsvns: 615.885.2200; event registration:
615.399.0545; speaker tape info: 615.364.3047; event info:
615.868.3356; write: Volunteer Region, Box 121961, Nashville, TN
37212; www.NAnashville.org
Texas: 4-6 Oct; Frolic in the Woods; Garner State Park, San Antonio;
hotel rsvns: 512.389.8900; event info: 210.699.4806;
2) 11-13 Oct; Northside Area Convention; Chain-of-Lakes Resort,
Cleveland; hotel rsvns: 832.397.4000; event registration:
281.446.8734; speaker tape info: 936.441.1644; event info:
281.923.7454; write: Northside Area, Texas NA Region, Box 3594,
Humble, TX 77338; www.nacna.org
3) 18-20 Oct; Best Little Region Convention XV; Holiday Inn, Mid-
land; hotel rsvns: 9l5.697.3181; event info: 9l5.368.0515,
9l5.682.2946, 9l5.363.8l59; write: Best Little Region, Box 1245,
Odessa, TX 79760
4) 19-21 Oct; Fort Worth Area Convention IV; Fort Worth; speaker
tape info: 817.441.1841; write: Fort Worth Area, Box 122028, Fort
Worth, TX 76121
Utah: 8-10 Nov; URICNA IV; Take My Will and My Life (Old-timers
Convention); Park City Marriott, Park City; hotel rsvns: 800.234.9003;
event info: 801.230.7853; write: Utah Region, Box 520397, Salt Lake
City, UT 84152-0397; www.utahna.org
Vermont: 8-10 Nov; CVACNA XIII; “God Brought Us Here; Faith Keeps
Us Here”; Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center, Burlington; hotel
rsvns: 802.865.6600; write: Champlain Valley Area, Box 64714,
Burlington, VT 05406-4714; http://www.together.net/~cvana
Virginia: 18-20 Oct; OLANA Unityfest X; “Reaching for Hope in the
Face of Despair”; Holiday Inn-Chesapeake, Chesapeake; hotel rsvns:
757.523.1500; event info: 757.562.2244, 757.934.1849,
757.562.3079; write: Outer Limits Area, Box 1063, Franklin, VA 23851
2) 10-12 Jan; 21st Areas of Virginia Convention; Hotel Roanoke and
Conference Center-Double Tree, Roanoke; hotel rsvns: 866.594.4722;
speaker tape info: 540.389.7229; event registration: 540.857.4251;
event info: 540.772.1088; write: Roanoke Valley Area, Box 5934,
Roanoke, VA 24012; www.rvana.com
Washington: 18-20 Oct; Pacific Northwest Convention #25; “Unlim-
ited Possibilities”; Tacoma Sheraton Hotel, Tacoma; hotel rsvns:
253.572.3200; event info: 206.382.0534 ext 1; write: Pacific North-
west, Box 981, Tacoma, WA 98401; www.wnir-na.org/pnw25.html
2) 15-16 Nov; Washington/Northern Idaho Regional H&I/PI Combined
Learning Days; Lake City Community Center, Seattle; write: Seattle
Area and Washington/Northern Idaho Region, Box 70404, Seattle, WA
West Virginia: 25-27 Oct; MRSCNA Fall Convention; Cedar Lakes,
Ripley; hotel rsvns: 340.372.7863; event info: 304.342.9129; write:
Mountaineer Region, Box 2381, Morgantown, WV 26502-2381
Wisconsin: 25-27 Oct; WSNAC XIX; “Renaissance of the Soul”;
Radisson Hotel and Conference Center, Green Bay; hotel rsvns:
800.333.3333; event info: 920.430.3744, 920.490.9446; write: North-
east Wisconsin XIX, Box 175, Green Bay, WI 54305-0175;
Just for Today
Item No. HE-1112
Price US $7.70
NA Audio Archive Sampler
This CD is a compilation of portions of several business and
recovery meetings from the 60s and 70s. Through these
recordings we are given a glimpse into our past, especially
through the eyes of Jimmy K.
Item No. 8950 Price US $15.00
Welcome Keytag
Item No. CH-4100 Price US $0.37
For Those in Treatment
Para quienes están en centros
de tratamiento
Item No. CS-3117 Price US $0.25
Who, What, How, and Why
Item No. JP-3101 Price US $0.21