Naloxone at Institutions of Higher Education (Public Act 19-191 Section 7)
Institution Name:
nstitution Address:
Contact Name:
Primary Contact Email Address:
Primary Contact Phone Number:
Designated Professional Name:
Designated Professional Type:
Does the policy contain the following information as required in the statute?
Designated a medical professional or public safety professional to oversee the purchase, storage and distribution of
opioid antagonists on each of its campuses
The location or locations on each of its campuses where the opioid antagonists are stored
A mechanism for disseminating the location(s) that are accessible to students and employees of such institution
Information about the required maintenance of the supply of opioid antagonists in accordance with the
manufacture’s guidelines including:
o Inspect for expired product
o Replacement of product
o Storage
Require a representative of the institution to call 911 or notify a local emergency medical services provider prior to,
during or as soon as practicable after each use of an opioid antagonist on the institution’s campus
Sec. 7. (NEW) (Effective
July 1, 2019) (a) Not later than January 1, 2020, the president of each institution of higher education in the state shall (1)
develop and implement a policy consistent with subsection (b) of this section concerning the availability and use of opioid antagonists, as defined in
section 17a-714 of the general statutes, by students and employees of the institution, (2) submit such policy to the Department of Consumer
Protection for approval, and (3) upon approval of the department, post such policy on the institution's Internet web site.
(b) The policy of each institution of higher education concerning the availability and use of opioid antagonists shall (1) designate a medical
professional or public safety professional to oversee the purchase, storage and distribution of opioid antagonists on each of its campuses, (2)
identify the location or locations on each of its campuses where the opioid antagonists are stored, which location or locations shall be made known
and accessible to students and employees of such institution, (3) require maintenance of the supply of opioid antagonists in accordance with the
manufacturer's guidelines, and (4) require a representative of the institution to call 911 or notify a local emergency medical services provider prior
to, during or as soon as practicable after each use of an opioid antagonist on the institution's campus that is reported to the institution or observed
by a medical professional or public safety professional, unless the person to whom the opioid antagonist was administered has already received
medical treatment for his or her opioid-related drug overdose.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 2835BF3D-1C29-4E9A-B13A-62B6465D1E1C
Public Safety Professional
Norwalk Community College
188 Richards Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06854
Roberty Studivant, Director of Security among many others
Ernetine Y. Weaver, CSCU Counsel
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Opioid Overdose Prevention Procedures
2. Designated Personnel
List the Designated Personnel, individuals authorized to oversee and develop the
procedures for the purchase, distribution, storage, disposal and reported use of opioid
antagonists at each campus:
Phone number
Lucille Brown
Chief Operating Officer
Dr. Mike Butcaris
Academic Dean
Dr. Kellie Byrd-Danso
Dean Of Students
William Grodman
Interim-Chair of Human Services
Wendy Mendes
Holistic Counselor
Cathy Miller
Director of Academic Counseling Center
Robert Studivant
Director of Security
3. Purchase and Distribution
Provide the procedures for the purchase and distribution of opioid antagonist kits.
NCC has been able to acquire Narcan® units distributed through Narcan® training
sessions held on campus. NCC has hired an AmeriCorps member through the CHCI
grant to offer NARCAN trainings. The Counseling Services office will purchase and
distribute opioid antagonist kits.
4. Opioid Overdose Response Emergency Procedures
All CSCU Colleges and Universities must develop and maintain written emergency
procedures that identify individuals trained for the proper use and administration of
opioid antagonists to effectively treat and reduce any fatalities associated with opioid
drug overdoses at their respective campuses. Provide the procedures in case of an opioid
overdose emergency.
The following are the procedures for responding to an opioid drug overdose on campus:
1. Call 911 immediately
2. Retrieve Narcan® unit from storage box located next to either campus
3. Apply non-latex gloves found in the Narcan® storage box
4. Administer 1 spray of intranasal Narcan®* in each nostril
5. Lay the person in the recovery position (on their side)
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6. Stay with the person until help arrives, remain calm, and talk softly
*Narcan® should NOT be administered to a newborn.
Location of Opioid Antagonists
Identify the location(s) on each campus where the opioid antagonists are stored, known
and accessible to students and employees.
Narcan® is located on both East and West campus:
- East Campus- : In a labeled “Opioid Overdose Kit
o Security Desk Main Lobby
o Counseling Services East-322
o Academic Counseling East 104
o Dean of Students Office
- West Campus: In a labeled “Opioid Overdose Kit
o Security Desk Main Lobby
o Academic Deans Office
o Nursing & Allied Health Main Office H-118
o Workforce Development Office
o Wellness Center
*Extra Narcan® units are stored in a box labeled “Narcan®” with date and quantity in
a locked storage cabinet in the Director of Security Office.
5. Storage and Disposal of Opioid Antagonists
The Designated Personnel on each CSCU campus are responsible for the storage and
disposal of unneeded or expired opioid antagonists in accordance with the manufacturer’s
guidelines. Provide procedures for the storage and disposal of opioid antagonists.
Inspection of the intranasal Naloxone Kit will be the responsibility of the Director
of Security
Naloxone will be stored in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and
o Each area will store Naloxone in an Opioid Overdose Kit .
Annual inspection of the Naloxone kits shall be performed by the Director of
Requests for replacement Naloxone shall be made by the Counseling Services
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Disposable of used or expired Naloxone will be performed in accordance with
biohazard standards
6. Opioid Antagonist Administration Training
a) Provide procedures for the training of individuals to access and administer the opioid
antagonist kits in emergency situations. Include the CSCU individual’s name and
contact information responsible for organizing the training, the training organization
name, and frequency of training.
Training will be facilitated at least three times per semester, to include
faculty, staff and students.
Trainings will be provided by our AmeriCorps member and our Not-for-
Profit Community Partner, Positive Directions - The Center for Prevention
and Counseling, Inc.
b) Has every member of the counseling or health services staff received opioid overdose
response training? YES NO NOT APPLICABLE
The Academic Counseling Center Director and the Counseling Services Counselor
both are Licensed Professional Counselor. NCC does not have a Health Clinic on
c) Has every member of the campus law enforcement or security personnel office
received opioid overdose response training? YES NO* NOT
*At least two of our guards will be trained, but until the Summit Security Services
contract with the State is amended to include the administration of Narcan®, NCC’s
security guards will only be limited to calling 911 and providing any other emergency
response services covered under their contract.
7. Reporting Requirements
Provide the procedure for documenting and tracking every incident involving the use or
administration of an opioid antagonist kit.
Security should prepare Naloxone Administration Report, the documentation
should include.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 2835BF3D-1C29-4E9A-B13A-62B6465D1E1C
a. Contact information for the individual
b. Description of the individual’s condition, behavior
c. The amount of Narcan® administered Naloxone was deployed and who
administered the Narcan
d. The time that Law Enforcement and EMS was called their arrival and
The report will be maintained by BIT Team and the Dean of Students office
regarding these incidents.
8. Awareness Campaigns
Describe the CSCU College’s or University’s ongoing awareness campaign plan to
educate students, faculty and staff regarding opioid antagonist availability. Include
contact information of the responsible individual.
Tables will be hosted at all campus activities, i.e. Welcome Fair, Fresh Check
Day, Open House, Experience College Day, and Orientation.
Freshman Seminar and College Forum Courses
Information will be shared in the Campus Voice, monthly magazine, social media,
Student and Staff Handbooks
Posters and Flyers will be hung in building bulletin boards
Informational emails will be sent to students several times during the semester
Brochures and handouts will be available on both campuses
Narcan Trainings will be at least three times a semester
9. Policy Dissemination
Who is responsible for the annual dissemination of the policy, including posting and
maintaining the policy, with current Designated Personnel contact information specific to
the CSCU campus, in an easily accessible manner on the CSCU institution’s website?
NCC’s Human Resources Department will be responsible for annual dissemination of the
policy, including posting and maintaining the policy.
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Board of Regents for Higher Education
Connecticut State Colleges and Universities
Policy regarding
Statement of Policy
The Board of Regents for Higher Education (“BOR”) in conjunction with the Connecticut State
Colleges and Universities (CSCU) is committed to maintaining safe and substance-free
campuses for all students, employees and visitors. It is the intent of the BOR and each of its
Colleges and Universities to increase awareness regarding opioid addiction and prevention. In
the unfortunate instance of opioid overdose, it is the intent of the BOR and the CSCU to prevent
overdose related death through the proper training, administration, and usage of naloxone
hydrochloride, commonly known as Narcan® Nasal Spray, or other similarly acting and equally
safe overdose-reversing drug approved by the FDA (“Intranasal Naloxone or “IN kits).
Therefore, this policy serves to direct each Connecticut State College and University to
participate, together with other agencies, in a statewide initiative focused on public health issues
regarding opioid-related drug overdose persons.
Campus Specific Opioid Overdose Prevention Procedures
Upon adoption by the Board all CSCU institutions will, within 30 days of adoption of this policy,
prepare and forward to the CSCU Office of Legal Affairs, campus specific Opioid Overdose
Prevention Procedures (“Procedures”) consistent with the requirements of Public Act 19-191. As
such, all submitted Procedures shall include details regarding the following:
Designation of medical or public safety professionals to oversee the purchase, storage
and distribution of the Intranasal Naloxone;
Procedures for the purchase and distribution of IN kits;
Identification of the location(s) on each campus where the IN kits are stored and
accessible to students and employees;
Procedures for the storage of IN kits according to manufacturer’s guidelines and
appropriate disposal;
Intranasal Naloxone is a proven and effective emergency treatment for known or suspected opioid
overdoses. Such medications are not a substitute for emergency medical care. However, when
administered during an opioid overdose, and with proper emergency medical assistance, lives may be
The Connecticut Good Samaritan Law allows anyone, if acting with reasonable care, to administer an
opioid antagonist to a person one believes in good faith is experiencing an opioid-related drug overdose
without criminal or civil liability.
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Procedures for the training of individuals to access and administer the IN kits in
emergency situations; and
Requirements that emergency medical services/911 be called each time the IN kit is
administered on campus.
The CSCU Office of Legal Affairs will submit all College and University Opioid Overdose
Prevention Procedures to the Department of Consumer Protection for approval. Upon approval
and by no later than December 31, 2019 each College and University shall post and maintain its
Procedures in an easily accessible manner on each institution’s website at all times. Each CSCU
institution is responsible for maintaining its information current on its website and within its
written emergency response Procedures.
The Procedures will thereafter be annually provided to all campus law enforcement officers and
security personnel, counseling and medical personnel, resident hall advisors and other campus
personnel. Further, this policy shall be presented at student orientation or at student awareness
and prevention trainings, and made broadly available at each campus.
Awareness Campaigns
Each CSCU College and University will develop and implement a process to continually educate
students, faculty and staff regarding opioid overdose prevention and IN kit availability on their
campuses through a multi - faceted approach including, but not limited to, email, institutional
websites, social media, posters, new student and employee orientations, and open on campus
opioid overdose response trainings. Campuses are encouraged to engage students from health
professions schools (e.g. nursing, social work), student organizations (e.g. student government,
health promotion, students for sensible drug policy), or community organizations to promote
awareness and education with the goal of preventing opioid overdose deaths.
Reporting Requirements
Each institution is required to maintain a current record of every IN kit distribution, use or
administration at their campus. On or before October 1 of each year, each CSCU institution must
report to the CSCU Chief of Staff its statistics and a brief description of every event or incident
that required the distribution, use or administration of an IN kit at the respective institution
within the prior year (September 1 of prior year through October 1 of current year).
DocuSign Envelope ID: 2835BF3D-1C29-4E9A-B13A-62B6465D1E1C