NursApp 1-10 -2-
7. In testing and checking nursery stock, does your firm maintain a private laboratory staffed with analysts?
YES_____ NO_____
If not, does the firm use the facilities of a qualified commercial laboratory?
If so, please list the name and address of the laboratory used.
8. Describe your quality control program. Who is responsible for your quality control program, to whom
does he or she report, and what training has he or she had in quality control?
9. (a) If nursery stock is grown for you by contract growers, whose crew examines or inspects the
nursery stock?
(b) At what times do your representatives examine or inspect the nursery stock?
(c) What experience have these representatives had in caring for, examining and inspecting nursery
(d) If field inspection raises questions as to the acceptability of the nursery stock inspected what
procedures are followed to correct any indicated problems before the nursery stock is marketed?
10. Do you keep a representative sample of all nursery stock? YES_____ NO_____
If so, where and under what conditions is it kept and when and how is it ultimately disposed of?
11. (a) Do you use a disclaimer of implied warranties with respect to your sales of nursery stock?
YES_____ NO_____
(b) Does your disclaimer of implied warranties appear on your catalogues, promotional literature,
tags, containers, labels, purchase orders and invoices? YES_____ NO_____
Please attach a copy of the portion of each printed document where your disclaimer clause
(c) Do you use a limitation of liability or limited remedy clause that limits your liability for
incidental and consequential damages and limits the buyer's remedy?
YES_____ NO_____
(d) Does your limitation of liability or limited remedy clause appear on your catalogues, promotional
literature, tags, containers, purchase orders, labels and invoices?