this form to add a new ship to address to the Banner and Ariba systems. Requests to create or edit non-NSU
ship-to addresses require approval by the Dean or Vice President of the requesting department.
Create New Address Edit Existing Address Remove Address
Standard Ship-to Address: Only those locations that are owned or leased by NSU.
Non-NSU Ship-to Address: Locations that do not meet standard ship-to address criteria
OPM: Office of Procurement Management
Part I: Justification & Background
(Use this section to describe the need for the edit, addition, or removal of a ship-to address)
Will items requiring medical licensing be purchased and shipped to this address? Yes No
Is the address requested considered to be a non-NSU ship-to address based on the definitions provided
above? If yes, Part V of this form must be completed.
s No
Part II: Address Information
Unique ID (OPM Use Only) Street Address
College/Center Name City
Building Name State
Floor Zip Code
Ship To Name (OPM Use Only) Requester Email Address
Part III: Requester
Requester Name Requester Signature Date
Requester: By signing this form, you indicate that the information provided is complete and accurate, and that the requested location is appropriate
for the delivery of materials ordered on behalf of NSU.
Part IV: Supervisor
Supervisor Name Supervisor Signature Date
Supervisor: By signing this form, you indicate that the information provided is complete and accurate, and that the requested location is appropriate
for the delivery of materials ordered on behalf of NSU.
Part V: Dean/VP
(Required for non-NSU ship-to locations only)
Dean/VP Name Dean/VP Signature Date
Dean/VP: By signing this form, you indicate that the information provided is complete and accurate, and that the requested non-NSU location is
appropriate for the delivery of materials ordered on behalf of NSU and that an appropriate party will be on hand for physical receipt of goods.
Part VI: Procurement Management
Director of Procurement Name Signature Date
Banner Address Entered By Name Signature Date
Director of Procurement: By signing this form, you indicate that the information provided has been approved by all required parties
Banner Address Entered By: By signing this form, you indicate that the information has been entered into the university’s Banner system.
Banner system updates are automatically pushed to Ariba on a nightly basis.
V1_20150217 Submitauthorizedformsviaemailtopurchasing@nova.eduorviainterofficemailtomailcodeOPM
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