The _________________________________________________________________________________________
(name of school district)
(time, date, year)
(name of room, building, physical location)
(city, state)
Maintenance Tax $
_______________/$100 (Proposed rate to pay bonded indebtedness)
_______________/$100 (Proposed rate for maintenance and operations)
School Debt Service Tax
Approved by Local Voters $
Preceding Tax Year Current Tax Year*
Total appraised value** of all property $ _________________ $ _________________
Total appraised value** of new property*** $ _________________ $ _________________
Total taxable value**** of all property $ _________________ $ _________________
Total taxable value**** of new property*** $ _________________ $ _________________
* All values identified are based on estimate(s) of taxable value received pursuant to Tax Code Section 26.01(e).
** Appraised value is the amount shown on the appraisal roll and defined by Tax Code Section 1.04(8).
*** New property is defined by Tax Code Section 26.012(17).
**** Taxable value is defined by Tax Code Section 1.04(10).
will hold a public meeting at
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the school district’s tax rate that will be adopted.
Public participation in the discussion is invited.
The school district has elected to adopt a tax rate before receiving the certified appraisal roll from the chief appraiser(s) of
the appraisal district(s) and before adopting a budget. In accordance with Tax Code Section 26.05(g), the chief appraiser(s) of
the appraisal district(s) in which the school district participates has (have) certified to the assessor for the school district an
estimate of the taxable value of property in the school district as provided by Tax Code Section 26.01(e). In accordance with
Education Code Section 44.004(j), following adoption of the tax rate, the school district will publish notice and hold another
public meeting before the school district adopts a budget.
The tax rate that is ultimately adopted at this meeting or at a separate meeting at a later date may not exceed the proposed rate shown
below unless the district publishes a revised notice containing the same information and comparisons set out below and holds another
public meeting to discuss the revised notice.
Total Appraised Value and Total Taxable Value
(as calculated under Tax Code Section 26.04)
Bonded Indebtedness
New Braunfels Independent School District
6:30 p.m. August 17, 2020
Board Room of the Administration Center, 1000 N. Walnut Avenue