ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO BE FILED Check box to indicate the item is attached. If not attached, explain below.
Reason contribution was not made by due date
For each controlled group member:
Name, address, telephone number and EIN of each controlled
Name, address, telephone number and EIN of the ultimate
parent of the controlled group
Name, address, telephone number and EIN of each contributing
sponsor of the plan
Location of all real property owned by each member of the
Name and address of the controlled group's principal
Operational status of each controlled group member (in
Chapter 7 proceedings, liquidating outside of bankruptcy, in
Chapter 11 proceedings, on-going, etc.)
Copy of any IRS letter(s) granting or modifying a funding
waiver and/or extension of the amortization period
Statement describing any pending request(s) for a funding
waiver and/or extension of the amortization period
Actuarial Information (see Form 200 instructions)
Copies of financial statements for the most recent three
fiscal years available, and the most recent available interim
financial statement, for each member of the plan's
controlled group, including the contributing sponsor and
theultimate parent
If required information has not been submitted with this Form 200, explain below.
Notice Due Date Notice Filing Date (if late, explain below)