Revised: August, 2005
Travel related expenses for athletics and other types of student activities require
itemization and support by receipts attached to the claim. Fund advances for student
activities (travel, entry fees, officials, etc.) may be obtained by following the Business
Office Policy and Procedures. Checks will be computer generated, therefore, it is very
important that you allow at least five working days for your information to be processed
and a check prepared for entry fees, travel officials, etc.
“Coaches and Sponsors of Student Organizations can have their meals and lodging
included in the travel requisition and subsequent payment of same when in official travel
status with their respective teams. This will eliminate the need for these individuals to
file for reimbursement of lodging and meals.”
The following prescribes procedures for the advance of funds, and settlement thereof, for
student travel, events, and other activities. In order to qualify for an advance, the State of
Oklahoma requires that the activity include students. (Fund advances for E&G travel and
activities are not authorized.)
a. Funding Source: The “Activity Advance Account” is established in the auxiliary
general ledger and serves as a controlling mechanism for recording these
b. Obtaining Advances: Requesters of fund advances must submit an “Activity
Advance” (Form #1) to the Personnel Office at least five (5) working days prior to
the time funds are needed. This lead-time is necessary to process the information,
prepare the check, and enable the requester to cash the check at a local bank.
(The Business Office change fund is not sufficiently large enough to cash advance
checks. Additionally, it is unlikely that specific currency and/or coin
requirements could be readily met from the limited resources of the change fund.)
c. Requester signs Activity Advance Acknowledgement (Form #2) when picking up
the check from the Personnel Office.
d. Food Receipts: The College will require machine-printed receipts, when
available, that provide detail of food orders rather than accept handwritten
receipts. College personnel should be diligent in requesting this type of
documentation. The manager’s signature, telephone number, date, and address of
the food provider will be required. Scraps of paper should not be accepted by the
coach/sponsor as a valid receipt. A Student Participation (Form #3) will be used
as back-up documentation to account for the initial activity advance.
e. Motel: It is the requesting departments’ responsibility to contact motels for price
and room reservations. Upon receipt of this information, the requesting
department will prepare and deliver to the Business Office a requisition with
requested information. The Business Office will prepare the purchase order and
mail to the participating motel. A copy of the purchase order will be returned to
you for your files.
f. Motel When Prior Arrangements Are Not Made: Advanced cash may be used for
student rooms when motel rooms are not paid by purchase order. Motel bills,
along with paid receipt or zero balance reflected on the bill and a Student
Participation (Form #3) will be used as back-up documentation to account for the
initial activity advance.
g. Settlement of Advances: Prudent fiscal management policies and internal control
procedures require that fund advances be settled within two (2) workdays after the
requester’s return. (Please use Recap Sheet, Form #4) in clearing advances.)
Advances not cleared within two workdays will result in denial of future advances
until prior ones are settled.
Form #2
Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College
Activity Advance Acknowledgement
In accordance with my request dated ________________________, 20 ________,
I hereby certify that I have received warrant #____________________________
dated _________, 20___, in the amount of $_________________________________.
I understand and agree that these funds are to be used for student and/or sponsor
expenses in connections with trip to _______________________________________.
I further agree that within two (2) days following the activity, I will return to the
NEO Personnel Office any unused funds, along with a report detailing the use of the
funds (with all proper receipts and student/sponsor signature forms attached.) I
understand that failure to submit the aforementioned report and return unused funds
to the Personnel Office within the prescribed time will cause any future activity
advance requests to be placed on hold until all necessary accounting is accomplished.
Dated at Miami, Oklahoma this ________ day of ______________, 20 ________.
Signed: _____________________________________________________
(Modified 07/02)