a. Site Plan drawn to scale showing all buildings, mechanical equipment & utilities, parking/drives,
fences, landscape, dimensions from property lines/each building, lighting & topography; (the roof
configuration must be shown for each building)
b. Exterior elevations drawn to scale of all building facades indicating colors
c. Digital street view pictures of properties adjacent to the site (if applicable)
a. All of the requirements in “A”
b. Exterior color & material boards (max. 30”x40”)
c. Overall color elevations of all buildings in the block (min. 1/32”=1’-0”) either digitally or graphically
d. Complete set of drawings & specifications
*Please submit electronically in PDF format if possible to and
Review fee due at submittal- $160
Development standards and regulations may be found in Section 21-06.03 of the South Bend Zoning Ordinance at
NO OFFICIAL FORM NEEDED, but New House Application must also be submitted before permit issuance.
(see attached Site Plan Checklist)
Site Plan Checklist
*A Site Plan drawn to scale of not more than 1"=100' shall include the following items:
1. Cover Page that includes:
a. North arrow and scale;
b. Address of the site;
c. Proposed name of the development;
d.Contact information of architect, engineer or owner including phone and fax number.
e.Summary Sheet from RESCHECK/COMMCHECK;
2. Area map insert showing the general location of the site referenced to major Streets and section lines;
3. Legal description of the real estate;
4. Boundary lines of the site including all dimensions of the site;
5. Names, center-lines and Right-of-Way widths of all Streets, Alleys and easements;
6. Layout, number and dimension of all Lots and Out Lots with zoning Setback Lines or Building Setback Lines;
7. Location and dimensions of all existing Structures, including paved areas;
8.Location and dimensions of all proposed Structures, including paved areas, and indicated by cross-hatching;
9.Location and name of all existing and proposed Public or Private Streets, Access easements and Rights-of-Way within two-
hundred (200) feet of the real estate;
10. Location of all floodway and floodway fringe areas within the boundaries of the site;
11.Location of all existing and proposed utility facilities and easements, including, but not limited to: sanitary sewer, water,
storm water management, electric, gas, telephone and cable;
12.Use of each Structure by labeling including approximate density or size of all proposed uses and Structures on the site (e.g.
parking - # of Parking Spaces required and provided, residence - # of Dwelling Units per acre, office - Gross Floor Area);
13.Structures proposed for demolition should be indicated as such;
14.Distance of all Structures from Front, Rear and Side Lot Lines. (This distance is measured as a line from the point where the
Structure is closest to the Lot Line. This line is perpendicular to the Lot Line.);
15.Location of any proposed or existing Driveway and its width at the Lot Line. (Any connection to an Alley must also be
16. All Improvements to Street system on-site and off-site;
17. Sidewalk plan or alternate plan for pedestrian ways;
18. Measurement of curb radius and/or taper;
19. Names of legal ditches and streams on or adjacent to the site;
20. Location, dimensions, and type (e.g. ground, pole, wall) of all Signs on the site. Include separate elevations of proposed
Sign Structures with all dimensions drawn to scale;
21. Location, size and species of all proposed and existing trees over six
(6) inches in caliper at four and one-half (4 - 1/2) feet above Grade and all proposed and existing landscaping;
22. Areas reserved for park, recreation, conservation, wetland, common area, lake or other similar uses;
23. Building elevations, including Building materials and COLOR RENDERING;
24. Sewer/Water permit
25. Grading Plan (existing and new)
26. Lighting Plan (including ext. lights on building and indication that spillage will not occur on adjacent properties
27. Elevations of homes within same block face as site including proposed site elevation. (digital photo submissions are
*Once the Site Plan is reviewed, a stamped copy will be returned to the Owner/Builder/Developer to be used as an on-site copy of
site building requirements.
Building Commissioner in his/her sole discretion may waive or relax any of the Site Plan requirements or require additional items as
circumstances dictate.
*A Plan Review Fee of $160 is required for review of new houses in the NNDA/NNZO/Overlay district.