It is extremely important for an F-1 student to maintain his or her status while in the United
States. Failure to maintain the terms and conditions of non-immigrant status is a ground for
removal from the United States
All F-1 students must understand and comply with the following ICE requirements:
1) Report to the DSO to have his or her SEVIS record registered in SEVIS in a timely fashion. DSOs must
register the student in SEVIS no later than 30 days after the program start date (new students in initial
SEVIS status), and each semester thereafter, no later than 30 days after the next session start date
(continuing students)
2) For the first entry for initial school attendance, the school listed on the visa and on the I-20 must be the
same, and that is the school the student must plan to attend.
3) Pursue a full course of study (12 credit hours) at the school listed on the currently valid Form I-20 during
every academic session or semester except during official school breaks, or unless approved under a
specific exception, in advance, by the DSO. Students enrolled in a health-related program must adhere
to the mandatory full course of study regardless of their program requirements for each term.
4) Make normal progress toward completing the course of study, by completing studies before the expiration
of the program completion date on your Form I-20.
5) Keep Form I-20 valid by following proper procedures for extension of stay
6) Keep Form I-20 valid by following proper procedures for change in educational levels or programs of
7) Keep Form I-20 valid by following proper procedures for transfer of schools
8) Report a change of address to the DSO within 10 days of the change, so that SEVIS can be updated
9) Abide by rules requiring disclosure of information and prohibition on criminal activity
10) Abide by any special requirements, such as Special Registration requirements
11) Not work, off campus, unless specifically authorized under ICE regulations
12) A student should keep his or her passport valid