Mail to: Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Examination Section
State House Station # 29
Augusta, ME 04333
Two forms of identification required when submitting application materials.
One must indicate your date of birth and the other must bear your written signature. If you are the holder of a
Driver’s License from any State or Province that license MUST ALSO be produced. Acceptable ID;
Copy of Marital Application
Military Discharge/Separation
Concealed Weapons Permit (gun permit)
Military Dependent ID Card*
Parent/Guardian (Parent/Guardian must appear in person and prove his/her identity, applies only to minors)
Birth Certificate is required for applicants under the age of twenty-three
Copy of the Birth Certificate must have the EMBOSSED SEAL or STAMP of the issuing agency.
Notarized copies are NOT acceptable.
All questions on this application must be answered and be accompanied by the required materials or the application will
be returned, causing undue delay in being scheduled for an examination.
Proof of residency and lawful presence is required upon submission of application. For a list of acceptable documents to
establish such proof, refer to http://www.maine.gov/sos/bmv/licenses/getlicense.html
The road test phase of the examination for a license may be waived for holders of a VALID out-of-state license.
The Secretary of State may not accept this application for any minor under the age of eighteen years unless the application
is signed by a Parent or Legal Guardian having custody of the minor or by the Spouse of the minor provided the spouse is
eighteen years of age or older. Any person who has signed the application for a minor to obtain an OPERATOR’S
LICENSE or LEARNER’S PERMIT may thereafter file with the Secretary of State, a notarized written request that the
license or learner’s permit of said minor, so granted, be suspended.
*Veterans please visit the Bureau of Veterans’ Services website at http://www.maine.gov/veterans
for information on
state and federal benefits your military service may have earned you.
I am aware that any misstatement on this application will result in immediate suspension or revocation of
my permit or license and my privilege to operate in the State of Maine may be suspended for a period to
be determined by the Secretary of State. Furthermore, I understand that knowingly supplying false
information on this form is a Class D Crime.
Manual available online: www.maine.gov/sos/bmv