Nomination Form for Department Honors, p.2; Form rev. 4/2020
1. One Department Chair or Interdisciplinary Studies Program Director should initiate this form. If the student
is majoring only in this Department (e.g., English) or Interdisciplinary Studies Program (e.g., Gender,
Sexuality and Women's Studies), complete this form, using Column A. For Interdisciplinary Studies
Programs, the Director should fill out and sign the form and a Program faculty member from another
Department should also sign it. Please be sure to include the signatures of the Thesis Director and
Chair/Program Director, and forward the completed form to the Registrar.
2. If the student is majoring in a) more than one Departmental major or b) more than one Interdisciplinary
Studies Program or c) an Interdepartmental major (e.g. Biology-Economics), then the Department or
Program initiating the form should fill in the student's name, major, and cumulative grade point average,
plus its own information in Column A, and forward the form to the second Department or Program, which
should complete Column B. When the form is completed and signed by both Thesis Directors and
Chair/Program Directors, the Chair/Director of the second Department or Program should forward the
completed form to the Registrar.
3. The Registrar will check the cumulative grade point average and major of the student recorded on the form.
Note that Interdepartmental majors must qualify for Honors in both departments or programs in order to
receive Departmental Honors at Commencement. Interdepartmental majors will not receive Departmental
Honors unless both Columns A and B are filled out.
4. Nomination forms should be submitted to the Registrar as soon as possible.