Hawai‘i Community College
Admissions & Records Office
1175 Manono Street
Hilo, Hawaii 96720-5096
Telephone: (808) 934-2710
Fax: (808) 934-2711
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution
Regular and prompt class attendance is expected of all students. It shall be the student’s
responsibility to inform the instructor of anticipated or unavoidable absences and to make up
work missed as a result of absences.
Semester-length* face-to-face, HITS, vidcon, and off-site courses: For classes meeting once a
week, a student is responsible for attending the first class session of the semester. For classes
meeting two or more times a week, a student is responsible for attending one of the first two
class sessions of the semester. For online courses, the student must participate in the online
course during the first week of the semester. If a student fails to meet these attendance
requirements during the first week of the semester, the instructor may initiate the No Show
Part-of-term (modular) courses are excluded from the No Show Policy.
There are financial aid implications for students who are financial aid recipients and who are
dropped from a course by an instructor. The student is responsible for filing for a tuition refund.
Student’s Name:______________________________________ UH ID#/Username:_______________
Course CRN:____________________ Course Name & Number:_________________________
This student is being dropped from this class because
______ the student has missed the first two sessions of the class or the first session of a class
which meets only once a week
______ no communication has been received by the instructor explaining the absence
Instructor’s Name: __________________________________________ Date:_______________
Instructor’s Signature:____________________________________________________________
INSTRUCTOR: Complete this form and submit to the registrar at the Admissions & Records
Office via email by 11:59 p.m. on Friday of the second week of classes that the No Show policy is
being implemented.
REGISTRAR: Send the student via email the information on this form cc’ing the instructor
STUDENT: As the student, you may add back this course during the ADD/DROP period. If
unable to do so, you may ask the instructor to add you back. If you are refused, you may submit
in person a written appeal to the Division Chair of the course. Only under extenuating
circumstances would a Division Chair consider adding back a student. If a student is added
back, the student (not the instructor or HawCC) is responsible for any missed course work.
click to sign
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