NJSFWC Women’s History Report Worksheet 2020
Club Name ___________________________________District _______________________ Number of members ____ (per May 1, 2020 Blue Sheet)
Chairman’s Name_____________________________ Phone ________________________ Email ______________________
Indicate the projects your club members have supported from January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020 by completing the information next to the projects indicated
below. Additional projects should be listed under “Other Women’s History Projects”. A worksheet is provided on the reverse side of the page as well. Please share a
detailed description of projects your club has completed in 2020, including who, what, when, where and why. (No more than 2 pages, do not send pictures, fliers,
Community Service Projects # of Projects Hours Dollars In Kind Donations
Create/update a club history
Send publications about women’s history and/or volunteers to WHRC
Become a patron of the NJSFWC Headquarters Library. Clubs or individuals
may contribute books
Nominate prominent clubwomen to the National Women’s Hall of Fame
Observe National Women’s History Month in March
Other Women’s History projects (See reverse side)
Number of
In-Kind Donations
Report Worksheet and project descriptions must be mailed to be judged to the Women’s History Chairman.
Reports may be emailed, but the information will be for statistical information only.
Postmarked no later than February 1, 2021
Maribeth Hugelmeyer
406 Douglas Avenue, Avenel, NJ 07001
Questions? Call or email:
732-634-5165 hugelmeyer@njsfwc.org