NJSFWC SSP 2018-2020- Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA of NJ) Report Worksheet January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020
Club Name ___________________________________District _______________________ Number of members ______ (per May 1, 2020 Blue Sheet)
Chairman’s Name_____________________________ Phone ________________________ Email ______________________
Indicate the projects your club members have supported from January, 2020 -December 31, 2020 by completing the information next to the projects
indicated below. Additional projects should be listed under “Other Special State Project activities”. Please share a detailed description of projects your
club has completed, including the who, what, when, where and why. (No more than 2 pages.)
Projects # of Projects Hours Dollars In Kind Donations
Participate in CASA of NJ Court Appointed Special Advocates
Donate night lights for children
Make bookmarks for children #_________ bookmarks to distribute at
libraries #________
Donate new children books #___________
Distribute CASA’s literature #______brochures #_____places
Sponsor a child through CASA of NJ for camp or a special program
after school like: music lessons , arts, …..etc.
Arrange for a CASA of NJ speaker for your club or community
Sew, quilt, knit or crochet a children’s lap quilt #______
Submit articles about CASA of NJ and your club in local papers
Purchase Special State Project pins #_________ @ $5 pins to
benefit CASA of NJ
Sponsor an “Educate the Educators” workshop in your town. (Partner
with local PTA)
Post your clubs activities with CASA-NJ on social media
Additional fundraisers:
Type of event_________________________________,
Money raised $___________