NJSFWC Legislation/Resolutions Report Worksheet - 2020
Club Name ___________________________________District _______________________ Number of members ____ (per May 1, 2020 Blue Sheet)
Chairman’s Name_____________________________ Phone ________________________ Email ______________________
Indicate the projects your club members have supported from January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020 by completing the information next to the projects indicated
below. Additional projects should be listed under “Other Legislation/Resolutions Projects”. A worksheet is provided on the reverse side of the page as well. Please
share a detailed description of projects your club has completed in 2020, including the who, what, where, when and why. (No more than 2 pages, do not send
pictures, fliers, etc.)
Community Service Projects # of Projects Hours Dollars In Kind Donations
Familiarize your club members and your community with legislative issues
Draft and submit a Resolution using NJSFWC Active Resolutions as a guide
Advocate in support of GFWC’s Resolutions. #of members____ # of
contacts: ____ (Describe the resolutions in your narrative.)
Write to U.S. Congress on issues other than those covered in another
Participate in GFWC’s Grand Initiative “RECOGNIZE THE RED”
Campaign by advocating for Miranda Vargas School Bus Driver Red Flag
Act # of members____ # of contacts:____
Advocate for 3D Printed Gun Safety Act of 2019 # of members
# of contacts:
Other Legislation/Resolutions Projects (See reverse side)
Number of
In-Kind Donations
Report Worksheet and project descriptions must be mailed to be judged to the Legislation/Resolutions Chairman.
Reports may be emailed, but the information will be for statistical information only.
Postmarked no later than February 1, 2021.
Chris Sienkielewski
186 Oak Manor Parkway, South Plainfield, NJ 07080
Questions? Call or email:
908-392-7501 sienkielewski@njsfwc.org