Projects should be reported based on your club’s involvement.
This list is intended as a report writing aid and projects are not limited to what appears below
# of
In Kind
Attend District Councils and encourage members to come with you.
Attend State Fall Conference (Webinar)
Attend GFWC MAR Conference (Virtual)
Attend Mini-Leadership Workshop
Board Meetings (Prepare Agendas and preside)
By-Laws (Review and/or revise)
Conduct an Orientation/Transition meeting for all officers
and chairmen each administration
Delegates Fund to help offset the cost of attending state, region, and national
Develop a Leadership Library by sharing the titles of books on this topic.
Member serves on the Board of Directors
Members serve on State Committees (i.e.-Convention, Fall Conference)
Members serve as a District Chairman
Hostess a District meeting at least once during the administration.
Initiate/ attend meetings of volunteer organizations in the community
Invite an expert on public speaking/leadership to a club meeting.
Invite State, District officers to attend a club event
Maintain a file of club members’ skills, talents, and interests as a leadership
resume tool.
Mentor new officers. A mentor is someone willing to guide, support and
give council.
Nominating Committee (club)
Obtain Leadership materials from State and GFWC Headquarters.
Order or download the ALMANAC and share with your members
Parliamentary Procedure and Training
Purchase/Use NJSFWC Yearbook
Report Writing Workshop-State
Report Writing Workshop/brainstorming session--Club
Review, use and share materials in the GFWC Club Manual and NJSFWC
Manual for Club Presidents and NJSFWC Supplements
Learn/teach members how to use technology for meetings/events
Utilize Procedure books for the officers, chairmen and individual projects
TOTAL (Place these figures on side one under Other Leadership