NJIT Environmental Health and Safety Department
Guidelines for Minors and Volunteers in Laboratories and Shops
Non-Research Oriented Pre College Programs
(Updated May 2016)
NJIT is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all members of the university community as well
as visitors and members of the general public.
Minors may be more susceptible to the health effects of certain toxic and hazardous agents; may be less aware of potential
risks and hazards present in laboratories and shops; and may require heightened supervision and oversight.
Minors may only be allowed in NJIT laboratories and shops as part of an organized Pre-College Summer Program
administered under the auspices of the Center for Pre College Programs.
The Center for Pre College Programs and their designated staff shall adhere to the following guidelines for minors and
volunteers working in NJIT laboratory and shop facilities:
Arrangements must be made between the Center for Pre-college Programs and the host department regarding the
use of laboratory facilities for the summer program.
Prospective minors and volunteers must complete a program application that provides appropriate individual
information (address, phone, etc), emergency contact information, as well as any medical concerns.
All applicants must complete the Risk Management waiver forms and provide proof of medical coverage.
Program supervisors, counselors, and instructors must attend health and safety training appropriate for the work
activities they supervise or that may be performed by others in their assigned laboratory or shop. In turn, program
supervisors, counselors, and instructors will provide training, supervision, and guidance to the program participants.
Personal protective equipment shall be provided by the program and worn by the program participants as directed
by the program directors, EHS Department, or other NJIT guidelines.
Minors shall never be permitted to work unsupervised in a NJIT laboratory or shop.
Program participants will adhere to the NJIT laboratory safety guidelines that will be distributed during training
sessions conducted at the beginning of the summer program.
Minors shall be prohibited from the following work activities:
Handle or manipulate organisms at Biological Safety Level 2 or higher
Operate or work in laboratories with hazard class 3b or 4 open beam lasers
Handle or manipulate Select Agents (as defined by the CDC)
Handle or manipulate radioactive materials or ionizing radiation sources
Handle or manipulate Particularly Hazardous Substance (as defined by OSHA) or Highly Hazardous
Substances - including pyrophorics, explosives, large quantities of flammable materials, and highly toxic
compounds - without prior approval from the department chair and EHS
Perform research activities with live laboratory animals.
Program Directors and their designated staff wishing to host minors or volunteers in their laboratory or shop must
adhere to the criteria described above, complete the attached form, and submit for EHS approval PRIOR to project
initiation. In the case on non-research oriented programs – one form should be completed for each program.
Name of Pre College Summer Program and title of summer project:
Name of Program Director:
Name of Program Counselor(s), Supervisor(s), or Instructor(s):
Location of laboratory or shop where Pre College Summer Program will take place:
Please attach a list or roster of program participants:
Anticipated dates of program:
Brief project description:
List of any potentially hazardous materials (including chemical, biological, and radiological) that may be encountered by
program participants during the conduct of the project:
List of laboratory or shop equipment that may be used by minor or volunteer during the conduct of the project:
List other staff members that may be responsible for supervising program participants during the course of this project:
Have arrangements been made for appropriate safety training prior to the initiation of the program? Please describe:
Have arrangements been made for appropriate disposal of any potential waste materials generated by the project? Please
Please list personal protective equipment to be issued to the program participants for the duration of the project:
Program Director acknowledgement of responsibility as described in these guidelines:
Program Director Signature: Date:
EHS Approval: Date:
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