Please complete this form and email to NHMA’s Legal Services team at legalinquiries@nhmunicipal.org
NH Municipal Association’s VIRTUAL On-Demand Program
Name & # of person
completing form
Please provide us with 3 Dates your Board is
(Note: Blackout dates may apply)
Start Time
(no earlier than 9:30 a.m. & no later than 7:00 p.m.)
Does your facility have a/v equipment (computer, projector & screen)?
Can your facility be set up in a classroom style (tables & Chairs for attendees) with a
head table for the Presenter?
Street address to the facility
Estimated number of attendees for handouts
(please update as the date gets closer)
Emergency contact name and telephone number for
Presenter (especially for evening travel)
Contact name, address and email to send the invoice
Note: You may invite local officials from the
surrounding NHMA member municipalities and have
them pay your town a portion of that cost. Hosting
municipality is responsible for payment.
Thank you for your interest in NHMA’s On Demand Program. Your request will be reviewed
and a response will be provided shortly.
Notes or Comments:
25 Triangle Park Drive • Concord, NH 03301 • Tel: 603.224.7447
E-mail: NHMAinfo@nhmunicipal.org • governmentaffairs@nhmunicipal.org • legalinquiries@nhmunicipal.org
Web site: www.nhmunicipal.org
2021 On Demand Fees:
2-hour program /1 attorney: $350.00
3-hour Right-to-Know Law for Law Enforcement program /2 attorneys: $ TBD
Other specialized training: TBD