If yes, list by department and course number.
10. a) Are there prerequisites?
b) Are there co-requisites?
Y es No
If yes, list by department and course number.
c) Should this class be cross-listed?
Y es No
If yes, please explain pedagogical reasons. Note that
cross-listed courses must be credit-bearing.
9. Do you want this course considered for off-campus credit?
Y es
f yes, please explain in 2-3 sentences. Note: a course must meet in an off-
campus location a minimum of 7 times in order to qualify for off-campus credit.
Section 3
Questions 11 - 13 should be answered in complete, prose sentences. Answers to these questions (Overview/Background; Artists/Works/Screenings/
Readings; Assignments/Projects) will be compiled (in order and as written) and the resulting compilation will be entered into PeopleSoft as the "Course
Description" for the proposed course. These are general questions which should be considered/adapted to the specific context of the course you are proposing.
Course Descriptions should provide students with a succinct overview of the experience of taking a particular course. Faculty should use qualified language
to generally describe their course content (basic examples are provided in quoted italics). Faculty should not provide detailed descriptions of
assignments or schedule information. Click the following link for a sample of effective course descriptions gathered from various disciplines.
11. Overview/Background Information (~75-100 words) Provide 2-3 sentences of relevant overview/background information that introduces students to the
course topic.
"In her work, the artist...explores themes of..." Or: "What are the concerns that drive one's creative practice?..." Or: "In this course we will focus on utilizing...developing
skills which..."
12. Artists/Works/Screening/Reading /Content Area Examples (~75-100 words) Provide 2-3 sentences which gives examples of artists, texts, media, or content
areas the course will explore or address.
"Readings and screenings will vary but typically include A, B, C, and a selection of D..." Or: "The works of Artists A, B, and C will act as a primary
point of
for our work in this course..." Or: "Some of the scholars/artists we will study in this course include..."
13. Assignments/Projects (~25 words) Provide a sentence indicating generally what types of assignments or work students can expect to complete in this
class and what types of final/culminating projects students should expect.
"Course work will vary but typically includes weekly reading responses, a mid-term, and a group final project..." Or: "Students should expect to produce a body of
work consisting of 3-5 finished pieces during the semester, to be presented in a culminating course critique..."
14. Does this course address issues of cultural competency for a diverse student body? If so, how? (This question is optional and will not be included in the
course description.)
15. Does the course address one or more of SAIC's interdisciplinary
areas of study? Please check a maximum of 3 areas:
Art and Science
Art/Design & Politics
Books and Publishing
Comics and Graphic Novels
Costume Design
Digital Communication
Digital Imaging
Economic Inequality and Class
Exhibition and Curatorial Studies
Furniture Design
Game Design
Public Space, Site, Landscape
Race & Ethnicity
Community and Social
Social Media and the Web
le Design
Gender & Sexuality
Graphic Design
Museum Studies
Product Design
'Areas of Study' refer to a group of courses which address a theme that is covered in courses
spanning multiple academic departments. In addition to searching for classes by department,
students also have the option to search for classes which address these identified Areas of Study.