Page 1 of 5 Revised Fall 2019
Title for Online Schedule (30 character limit, including spaces and punctuation)
Full Semester ½ Semester Short-Term Hybrid
(.125, .25, .50, .75, 1.0, or
variable, e.g., .25-.5)
Cross-listed Prefix & #
(if applicable)
Consult the Registrar for appropriate course numbers.
Instructions: Please complete this form and submit one signed electronic copy and the course syllabus to the chair of the
Curriculum Committee. This proposal will be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee within 1 week of submission; approved
proposals will then be brought before the faculty (at a faculty meeting) for final approval. If you are submitting multiple
related courses, please provide a cover page describing the overall justification. Please consult the chair of Curriculum
Committee with any questions.
Mark an “X” in the requirements fulfilled by this proposed course; include any cross references.
Please answer all questions…
Is this a participation course? (See list in Catalog)
Is the course repeatable for credit?
If so, how many times may it be taken for credit?
Is the course graded or credit/no credit?
Program – General Education
Is the course a lecture course?
Is the course a lecture & laboratory?
Is the course a travel course?
Is the course cross-listed?
Are there pre/co-requisites for this course?
If the proposed course is appropriate for one of the area studies (Beauty & Meaning, Language, QRP, or
Science), an additional justification paragraph is needed in order for the course to be added to the course
catalog under General Education.
- Passed by Curriculum
Comm on ________
- Approved by faculty
on _________
(for Registrar’s use)