Show footing detail- location, size, depth, circumference and material/fill
Give handrail height and spindle spacing(must be under 4”)
Show stair detail- include rise and tread of stairs
Detail attachments- to house, joist to beams, rails to post
Include its location on site plan with distances to property lines
Indicate location of ramp
Give sizes of material
Note any spacing and/or footing detail
Show and detail attachments
Detail rise/run
Indicate property lines
List actual dimensions, size, square footage, and shape of the lot
Name adjacent streets
Show the location, square footage, and dimensions of the proposed and existing
Indicate the location of the lot with respect to adjacent right-of-ways and
Note setbacks around structure to property lines
Show dimensions of structures
Illustrate the height of the structure
Record the location and dimensions of off-street parking and means of ingress
and egress for such space
Note the existing and proposed use of the structure and land
Detail storm water discharge plan and erosion/sediment control plan
a) Minor Grading (less than 1,000 square feet)
Note property lines and adjacent property information (including streets)
Show existing contours and proposed finished grade
Specify any slopes and nature of existing soils
Detail existing and proposed structures
Designate type/source of fill to be used if needed
Storm water & erosion management plan
Give plan for re-vegetation
b) Major Grading (more than 1,000 Square feet)
Note property lines and adjacent property information (including streets)
Show existing contours and proposed finished grade
Show existing grade on adjoining properties
Specify any slopes and nature of existing soils
Detail existing and proposed structures
Designate type/source of fill to be used if needed
Storm water & erosion management plan
Give plan for re-vegetation