LOCKER #______________
All NECC staff are eligible for a locker located in the Sport & Fitness Center on the Haverhill campus of NECC. In order to obtain a
locker, staff must agree to the following terms:
Lockers are the property of NECC and NECC reserves the right to remove the lock and the contents of the locker at the
conclusion of the locker assignment period or when a staff member leaves the College, for abuse of locker privileges, for failure
to adhere to the College’s policies and procedures and regulations, or at any time for cause as determined by the NECC.
Lockers have a provided locking mechanism, and a locker combination number will be provided by a member of the Athletic
Department staff.
All perishable food and beverages and all opened or repackaged nonperishable food and beverages must be removed from
lockers on a daily basis. Only nonperishable foods and beverages in unopened original manufacturer or distributor-sealed
packaging and containers may be kept in lockers overnight.
Staff members may keep their assigned locker year to year, but must notify the Athletic Department annually of their wish to do
so. At the conclusion of the locker assignment period (or when a staff member leaves the College if earlier) all materials must
be cleared from the lockers. All contents left in lockers after this date will be removed and disposed of by NECC.
Staff are permitted to access lockers from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm.
Storage of any items that are of illegal nature, or would cause or be likely to cause a health hazard, security risk, physical danger
or a nuisance to the environment or other members of the NECC community is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not
limited to, drugs, alcohol and weapons.
Lockers are not transferable. All users agree to only occupy the locker assigned and requests for relocation will be subject to
Staff are responsible for posted signage on or around the lockers for any updates or issues with locker assignments and/or the
locker policy.
NECC is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen items from lockers.
Failure to comply with the locker policy may result in loss of locker privileges and/or disciplinary action in accordance with the
NECC Code of Conduct, and/or civil or criminal penalties.
I understand and agree to the above terms.
Staff Signature:____________________________________________________Date___________________________
Print Staff Name:____________________________________________________
NECC ID:____________________________________________________________
Staff Email:________________________________________________________
Staff Cell:_________________________________________________________