Updated 12.19.17
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NE Clinical Practice Evaluation Rubric
For Office use only: CT/ TC/ US Teacher Candidate
Evaluator’s Name:
Evaluator’s Role (Please Select): Cooperating Teacher (CT) University Supervisor (US) Teacher Candidate (TC)
Select the cell in each row, which best describes performance. At midterm, the goal would be for student teachers to be performing at Developing or Proficient. If performance is scored “Below
Standard,” please be in communication with
Below Standard
Uses knowledge of students to
meet needs
Standard 1
Learner Development
InTASC 1; CAEP 1.1
Uses data about students and their
development to adjust teaching and
build on student strengths resulting
in student learning. InTASC 1;
CAEP 1.1
Uses data about students and their
development to adjust teaching.
InTASC 1; CAEP 1.1
Collects data about students and
their development but does not
adjust teaching. InTASC 1; CAEP
Lacks evidence of data collection
and use related to students and
their development. InTASC 1; CAEP
Differentiates instruction to meet
student needs
Standard 2
Learner Differences
InTASC 2; CAEP 1.1
Identifies students’ needs for
differentiation and responds with
individualized instruction, flexible
grouping, and varied learning
experiences to include bringing
multiple perspectives and cultural
resources to the discussion of
InTASC 2; CAEP 1.1
Identifies students’ needs for
differentiation and responds with
individualized instruction, flexible
grouping, and varied learning
InTASC 2; CAEP 1.1
Identifies students’ needs for
differentiation. InTASC 2; CAEP 1.1
Does not Identifies students’ needs
for differentiation. InTASC 2; CAEP
Promotes a positive classroom
environment through clear
Standard 3
Learning Environments
InTASC 3; CAEP 1.1
Communicates and reinforces clear
task and behavior expectations to
students, develops routines that
support expectations and minimizes
the loss of instructional time.
InTASC 3; CAEP 1.1
Communicates and reinforces clear
task and behavior expectations to
students and follows routines that
support expectations for the learning
environment. InTASC 3; CAEP 1.1
Communicates and reinforces clear
task and behavior expectations to
students. InTASC 3; CAEP 1.1
Attempts to communicate and
reinforces clear task and behavior
expectations to students. InTASC 3;
CAEP 1.1
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Uses accurate content and
academic vocabulary
Standard 4
Content Knowledge
InTASC 4; CAEP 1.1
Communicates accurate content,
uses academic vocabulary correctly,
provides relevant opportunities for
students to demonstrate
understanding and uses knowledge
of common misconceptions to
create accurate understanding in
the content area. InTASC 4;
CAEP 1.1
Communicates accurate content,
uses academic vocabulary correctly
and provides relevant opportunities
for students to demonstrate
understanding. InTASC 4; CAEP 1.1
Communicates content and uses
academic vocabulary, yet does not
consistently provide relevant
opportunities for students to
demonstrate understanding.
InTASC 4; CAEP 1.1
Communicates inaccurate content,
academic vocabulary and/or
provides irrelevant opportunities for
students to demonstrate
understanding. InTASC 4; CAEP 1.1
Engages students in critical
thinking and collaborative
problem solving
Standard 5
Application of Content
InTASC 5; CAEP 1.1
Links concepts to help students
make connections and engages
students in applying methods of
inquiry in the discipline to engage
learners in critical thinking. InTASC
5; CAEP 1.1
Links concepts to help students
make connections and engages
students in applying methods of
inquiry in the discipline. InTASC 4;
CAEP 1.1
Links concepts to help students
make connections in the discipline.
InTASC 4; CAEP 1.1
Does not assist students in making
connections in the discipline.
InTASC 4; CAEP 1.1
Develops literacy and
communication skills through
Standard 5
Application of Content
InTASC 5; CAEP 1.1
Engages students to utilize literacy
and communication skills from a
variety of resources and
perspectives to address targeted
purposes and audiences.
InTASC 5; CAEP 1.1
Engages students to utilize literacy
and communication skills by
accessing a variety of resources
and perspectives to show
understanding of content. InTASC 5;
CAEP 1.1
Engages students in developing
literacy and communication skills.
InTASC 5; CAEP 1.1
Provides few opportunities for
students to develop literacy and
communication skills. InTASC 5;
CAEP 1.1
Uses classroom assessment
Standard 6
InTASC 6; CAEP 1.1
Uses classroom formative and
summative assessments that match
objectives and inform instructional
decisions to guide implementation of
differentiated instructional strategies
to include designing and/or adapting
interventions as a result.
InTASC 6; CAEP 1.1
Uses classroom formative and
summative assessments that match
objectives and inform instructional
decisions to guide implementation of
differentiated instructional
strategies. InTASC 6; CAEP 1.1
Uses classroom formative and
summative assessments that match
objectives and inform instructional
decisions. InTASC 6; CAEP 1.1
Uses classroom formative and
summative assessments but may
not match objectives and/or inform
instructional decisions. InTASC 6;
CAEP 1.1
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Assesses for learning
Standard 6
InTASC 6; CAEP 1.1
Uses student performance data and
knowledge of students to identify
interventions that support and/or
advance learning through a series of
differentiated assessment practices
that positively impact learning.
InTASC 6; CAEP 1.1
Uses student performance data and
knowledge of students to identify
interventions that support and/or
advance students to positively
impact learning. InTASC 6; CAEP
Uses student performance data and
knowledge of students to identify
interventions that support students.
InTASC 6; CAEP 1.1
Does not use student performance
data and/or knowledge of students
to identify interventions that support
students. InTASC 6; CAEP 1.1
Plans for instruction
Standard 7
Planning for Instruction
InTASC 7; CAEP 1.1
Sequences learning experiences
linked to the learning objectives,
performance tasks and
assessments to provide multiple
ways for students to demonstrate
knowledge and skills to include
using data to adjust for recurring
learning needs throughout
planning. InTASC 7; CAEP 1.1
Sequences learning experiences
linked to the learning objectives,
performance tasks and
assessments to provide multiple
ways for students to demonstrate
knowledge and skills. InTASC 7;
CAEP 1.1
Sequences learning experiences
linked to the learning objectives,
performance tasks and
assessments. InTASC 7; CAEP 1.1
Provides little or no evidence of
sequenced learning experiences
and/or experiences are not linked to
the learning objectives, performance
tasks and/or assessments. InTASC
7; CAEP 1.1
Incorporates digital tools into
Standard 8
Instructional Strategies
InTASC 8; CAEP 1.1
Designs or adapts relevant learning
experiences that incorporate digital
tools and resources to promote
student learning and creativity.
InTASC 8; CAEP 1.1
Provides relevant learning
experiences that incorporate digital
tools and resources to promote
student learning and creativity.
InTASC 8; CAEP 1.1
Provides relevant learning
experiences that incorporate digital
tools to stimulate interest. InTASC
8; CAEP 1.1
Provides learning experiences that
incorporate digital tools infrequently
or ineffectively. InTASC 8; CAEP
Uses research-based
instructional strategies
Standard 8
Instructional Strategies
InTASC 8; CAEP 1.1
Uses a broad range of evidence
based strategies to support learning
in the content area, poses questions
that elicit student thinking about
information and concepts to build
critical thinking skills. InTASC 8;
CAEP 1.1
Uses evidencebased strategies to
support learning in the content area
and poses questions that elicit
student thinking and support critical
thinking skills. InTASC 8; CAEP 1.1
Uses evidencebased strategies to
support learning in the content area
and poses questions that elicit
student thinking. InTASC 8; CAEP
Uses strategies and poses
questions. InTASC 8; CAEP 1.1
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Uses engagement to enhance
Standard 8
Instructional Strategies
InTASC 8; CAEP 1.1
Organizes and manages the learning
environment for student engagement
and personal accountability using
strategies that provide opportunities
for students to process and articulate
new knowledge. InTASC 8;
CAEP 1.1
Organizes and manages the
learning environment for student
engagement using strategies that
provide opportunities for students to
process and articulate new
knowledge. InTASC 8; CAEP 1.1
Manages the learning environment
for student engagement. InTASC 8;
CAEP 1.1
Attempts to manage the learning
environment for student
engagement. InTASC 8; CAEP 1.1
Accepts critique and input
regarding performance
Standard 9
Professional Learning and Ethical
InTASC 9; CAEP 1.1
Invites constructive feedback,
responds positively, independently
sets and implements goals to
improve practice. InTASC 9; CAEP
Invites constructive feedback,
responds positively, with support
sets and implements goals to
improve practice. InTASC 9; CAEP
Invites constructive feedback,
responds positively, but
inconsistently implements goals to
improve practice. InTASC 9; CAEP
May resist constructive feedback or
fail to implement goals to improve
practice. InTASC 9; CAEP 1.1
Conveys professional demeanor
Standard 10
Leadership and Collaboration
InTASC 10; CAEP 1.1
Conveys a confident, professional
decorum when interacting with
learners, peers, colleagues and the
community in small and large group
situations to include seeking out
leadership opportunities in the
school and/or community.
InTASC 10; CAEP 1.1
Conveys a confident, professional
decorum when interacting with
learners, peers, colleagues and the
community in small and large group
situations. InTASC 10; CAEP 1.1
Conveys professional decorum
when interacting with learners,
peers, colleagues and the
community in small and large group
situations. Any minor lapses have
been addressed. InTASC 10; CAEP
Conveys a lack of professional
decorum when interacting. InTASC
10; CAEP 1.1
Uses professional
Standard 10
Leadership and Collaboration
InTASC 10; CAEP 1.1
Demonstrates professional oral,
written and electronic
communication, responds to people,
problems and crises effectively and
communicates with families through
a variety of means (i.e. notes home,
e-mails or websites, phone calls,
conferences, meetings).
InTASC 10; CAEP 1.1
Demonstrates professional oral,
written and electronic
communication, responds to people,
problems and crises effectively.
InTASC 10; CAEP 1.1
Demonstrates professional oral,
written and electronic
communication, responds to people,
problems and crises effectively with
additional assistance. InTASC 10;
CAEP 1.1
Demonstrates unprofessional oral,
written and/or electronic
communication and/or responds to
people, problems and crises
ineffectively. InTASC 10; CAEP 1.1