Revised 8/6/21
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For 2021-2022 School Year
DAC/NTAC Contact Update Form
TO: Superintendent
FROM: Jeremy Heneger, Director of Statewide Assessment
District Assessment Contact (DAC): Each district is able to designate one official contact for the purpose of receiving information for
all NSCAS subject areas and all assessment-related communications; including passwords and official documents provided to and
from the Statewide Assessment office. The DAC will have the responsibility to disseminate this information to as many users inside
the district as are needed. Such information may include sensitive student data on:
NSCAS Summative Assessment Information (NSCAS Growth ELA & Math, NSCAS Science)
NSCAS Alternate Assessment Information
NSCAS ACT Assessment Information
NSCAS ELPA21 Assessment information
Standards, Assessment, and Accountability Updates
NSCAS Technology Assessment Contact (NTAC): Each District is able to designate one person to serve as the contact for information
concerning the technology used for the NSCAS testing.
Return this completed form to the Assessment Office if the DAC or NTAC has updated contact information (such as a new email) or if
the role(s) has been assumed by a new person(s). The same person is allowed to be assigned both roles.
Check the appropriate box (please complete a separate form for each): DAC update or NTAC Update
District: Effective Date:
New DAC/NTAC information:
Name: Email:
District Position:
Direct Business Phone: Business Cell Phone:
Note: DACs who are currently on the contact list will continue to receive all email communications from the Statewide
Assessment Office.
Superintendent Signature Date
Please return this form to nde.stateassessment@nebraska.gov
or FAX: 402-742-2319
click to sign
click to edit