q Receive call information from patrol supervisor and if necessary, clarify the known facts.
q Discuss notification and response protocols with state, local or community leaders and those that have police oversight.
If necessary, establish direct lines of communication.
q Identify the location of the command post (CP) and who is the incident commander (IC).
q Perceive the number of crime scenes and needed investigative resources. A non-fatal shooting investigation will likely
include at least two scenes that require investigative resources – shooting scene and hospital scene. Multiple victims
could involve multiple hospitals.
q Assign investigative resources to respond to each scene – this will include investigators and possibly additional
investigative supervisors.
q If needed, order/request special resources for response. Requesting a mobile command post to be dispatched to your
primary crime scene could be an invaluable asset.
q Safely respond to the scene.
q Arrive at CP and debrief the initial IC.
q Confirm that scene is safe.
q Has needed medical attention been rendered? If not, coordinate the response.
q Have outstanding suspect descriptions been broadcasted?
q If appropriate, assume IC and communicate the change in command.
q Revaluate your investigative resources – what is needed? Photographer, crime scene technician, etc.
q Communicate with supervisors at secondary scenes and/or investigative command center (office) if applicable.
q If applicable, communicate with Real Time Crime Center.
q Ensure the crime scene is properly established and preserved. Key considerations:
q Establish outer and inner perimeters
q Scene security officer(s)
q Restrict access to essential personnel ONLY
q Victims, witnesses, and suspects should be separated to maintain the integrity of the investigation.
q Victims, witnesses, and suspects should have been checked for wants, warrants, prior police contacts and arrest records.
q Is a search warrant needed to process the scene? Most indoor scenes require consent or a search warrant to process it.
There is no crime scene exception to the 4th Amendment.
q Is there a need for a media staging area? Designating an area for media briefings keeps them out of the crime scene.
q Brief investigative team.
q Determine how many onsite interviews are needed.
q Assign interviews with the expectation that the results will be communicated to supervision prior to the victim or witness
leaving the scene. Comparing onsite interviews will uncover inconsistences that require further investigation.
q Ensure responding medical personnel have been identified and interviewed.
q Assign personnel to process the crime scene. Specialty equipment or assistance may be needed.
q Ensure crime scene photographs are taken and a sketch is completed.
q Are technologies such as a gunshot location detection system available? If so, ensure the data and recording is reviewed
and included in the investigation.
David Salazar
q Assign personnel to conduct a neighborhood canvas for witnesses and video surveillance.
q Ensure all callers have been identified, located and interviewed.
q Arrive and debrief the onsite supervisor or officer in-charge.
q Revaluate your investigative resources – what is needed? Photographer, crime scene technician, etc.
q Communicate with supervisors at secondary scenes and/or investigative command center (office) if applicable.
q Ascertain the medical status of the victim and the prognosis. For example, the victim suffered critical injuries due to being
shot in the chest but is in stable condition and expected to survive.
q Ensure the victim’s appearance, injuries, and treatment is documented and photographed.
q If the suspect has been transported to the hospital their appearance, injuries, and treatment needs to be documented and
q Consider both the victim and suspect may have crucial evidence on their person. They may need to be processed for
evidence. Depending on the complexity of the investigation DNA swabs, elimination samples, or a sexual assault kit
maybe necessary.
q Determine how the victim(s) and/or suspect(s) were transported to the hospital. If transported by a private vehicle that
vehicle should be considered a crime scene. Process it like any other crime scene.
q Conduct end of shift briefing and assign follow up to oncoming shift.
q If applicable, ensure video footage was reviewed and released to the media.
q Assign follow up interviews for hospitalized victim(s) that could not be interviewed during the initial investigation.
q Assign a detective to have the case reviewed for charges by the prosecutor
q Ensure a temporary felony want is entered into NCIC.
q Assign the responsibility for locating outstanding suspect(s).
q Hospitalized suspects will require a guard until they are released. Ensure patrol resources have been assigned.
q Consider obtaining a search warrant for the suspect(s) residence. Does probable cause exist to support a search?
q Ensure all squad and body camera footage of responding personnel is downloaded and available. Suspect interactions
captured on camera SHOULD be thoroughly reviewed by investigators and documented.
q Ensure the crime scene sketch is converted into a diagram for the investigative file.
q If applicable, follow up with Crime Laboratory (NIBIN) within 24-hours of the incident. Review and determine the
investigative relevance of any leads generated. Assign follow up as necessary.
q Assign personnel to monitor the suspect’s jail calls.
q Brief investigative commander.
q Plan follow up discussion with district commander impacted by this event.
David Salazar