Requirements: To be an eligible to run, a section chief must be under 21 during the entire term as
a national or regional officer which ends on December 28. In addition the OA Director must receive
this completed form via Email by COB November 30.
I would like to be a candidate for a national or regional office in the Order of the Arrow.
Lodge & Council:
It is my belief that I can discharge the duties of a national or regional officer for the following reasons:
In this role, I would make a significant contribution to Scouting and the Order of the Arrow through the following initiatives:
INSTRUCTIONS: After completing the form, select the EMAIL FORM button and follow the instructions. If you have any questions,
contact: Rebecca.Martinez@Scouting.org
Your Scout Executive and Area Director will be contacted by email to approve your candidacy. If you have not received a confirmation
email stating their approval, you should contact them as soon as possible.
Date of Birth:Council Headquarters City & State:
TER 2021