When to Use. Use for STI to be published, released, or presented external to NASA or presented at internal meetings or conferences at which
foreign nationals may be present. NPD 2200 gives authority and defines STI. See also NPR 2200. Encrypt electronic STI that is limited/restricted or
export-controlled (NPD 2810). Do not enter classified information on this form (use unclassified information about the document). See also
Validation of Signature. NASA accepts your name on this form as your signature for NF 1676.
Approvals. NASA centers have different workflows to accommodate this form. A typical approval cycle is given below; however, check with your
center Document Availability Authorization (DAA) representative or STI Manager to see if your center has an alternative workflow and information
on electronic routing. Steps include:
Author, contracting officer's technical representative (COTR), or NASA official completes blocks 1 and 2.
If STI is classified, Center Security Officer (CSO) approves block 2.
Author, COTR, or NASA official recommends
information in blocks 3, 4, and 6, as appropriate.
If the document or presentation contains information that discloses an invention, the HQ or Center Patent or Intellectual Property Counsel
must approve the release in block 4. Patent Counsel approval may be required for all STI; check with your DAA representative or STI
Block 5 is OPTIONAL. A NASA approving official (who is familiar with the technical content of the information) may elect to use (or stop use
of) this blanket approval for a number of documents from a program or project.
NASA Project Official, COTR, or technical monitor (for STI from contractor that NASA elects to publish) and Division Chief (for
NASA-authored STI) approves in block 7. Supervisor should review prior to having Division Chief approve.
Center Export Control Administrator (CEA) certifies in block 8 that the information in blocks 3b, 3d and 6 is correct or corrects the
Approving official for the center (program manager) approves in block 9.
If center requires additional approvals, use block 10.
Send STI to DAA representative and technical publications office. DAA representative sends an electronic copy of STI and NF 1676 to the
NASA Center for AeroSpace Information (CASI) for inclusion in the NASA Aeronautics and Space Database (
Items to Know (Instructions for completing blocks 1-10 of NF 1676)
Check "new" or "revision" blocks.
List authors' names in same order and with exact names as on document. For contractor or grantee STI that NASA elects to publish, COTR
initiates NF 1676.
Journal article. Decide who you wish to receive your preprint. NASA has the right to release preprints to the public, but not all authors
approve this. Unless the publisher has added copyrighted information (e.g., peer review comments, or publisher-prepared summary or
abstract) to the published version of a journal article (reprint), NASA has the right to release the reprint for governmental purposes, which
includes release to U.S. Government personnel, contractors, and the public. If copyrighted materials are added by the publisher, NASA
does not have the right to release reprints without the publisher's permission. See Chapter 4 of NPR 2200 and NITR 2810-3.
See Chapter 5 of NPR 1600.1.
See NPR 2200.2, Chapter 4. If you do not mark Publicly Available in 3a, you must indicate a distribution limitation in 3d. See Section 5.22 of
NPR 1600.1 for Administratively Controlled Information (ACI). For ACI categories that are not listed on this form, indicate a distribution
limitation in 3d and attach the ACI cover sheet, NF 1686.
Publicly Available means the STI is unclassified, does not contain export-controlled information (3b) or proprietary information (3c), has no
distribution limitations (3d), and if it contains information disclosing an invention (4), it has been cleared by the HQ or Center Patent or
Intellectual Property Counsel.
See NPR 2190.
Information marked in this section must be re-reviewed by the originating organization following the "limited until (date)" and a modified DAA
must be done before release indicated in 3d can be changed. For information on copyrights, see NPR 2200 and contact your center
attorney. SBIR is Small Business Innovation Research. STTR is Small Business Technology Transfer. See NPR 2200, Chapter 4.
If you do not
mark Publicly Available in 3a, indicate who can see and receive your document in 3d. Restriction statements must appear on
cover, title page, and SF 298 (if applicable). Documents marked "Available Only with Approval of Issuing Office" will have citations (but not
the full text) entered into the NASA Aeronautics and Space Database; the issuing office is responsible for handling document requests.
NASA personnel & U.S. Government agencies means civil servant personnel.
For contractor or grantee-authored work, report invention to NASA according to contract/grant requirements. If NASA-authored work, report
inventions in accordance with NPD 2091.1 via eNTRe (the electronic New Technology Reporting web site) at or
using NF 1679.
Use the blanket option when you approve or rescind all
STI produced under a contract, grant, or project to have the same distribution or
change the distribution.
As the author, indicate whether or not the information contains export-controlled or proprietary/sensitive information or discloses an
invention. Your CEA will verify in block 8 whether information contains export-controlled information.
If the distribution is not approved, indicate the reason. As a reminder, the author's supervisor should always review the document prior to
having it approved by the approving official (Division Chief) in this block.
CEA certifies information in 3b, 3d and 6.
Center approving official indicates final approval to publish under the conditions cited on this form.
For contractor-generated STI that NASA elects to publish, the NASA responsible official or technical publications office notifies the COTR
(or center-designated official) when the document is approved for publication. COTR/center official notifies the contractor.
o Classified and Administratively Controlled Information - NPR 1600.1
o Export-controlled information - NPD and NPR 2190.1
o Disclosing an invention - NPD 2091.1
o SF 298, Report Documentation Page, required for NASA STI-Series reports
o NF 1686, Administratively Controlled Information (ACI)
o NF 1679, Disclosure of Invention and New Technology (Including Software)
Additional Help:
Following Forms are Related to Approval Process: