This form has been prepared for the convenience of the policyowner. The Company does not assume responsibility for its validity or sufficiency.
1. CHANGE OF NAME (to be used for change to legal name only)
New name: Previous name:
Policyowner Life insured/annuitant Assignee (individual person) Beneficiary Contingent beneficiary Payor
Reason for change of name:
(specify date):
Divorce (a copy of government issued Photo I.D. showing the name change, eg. Driver’s License, Passport) Other
(attach notarized copies of legal documents)
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The Equitable Life Insurance Company of Canada
If the beneficiary is revocable, this transfer of ownership terminates the existing beneficiary designation. The new owner(s) should complete the Beneficiary Change Request (form #671BCF), otherwise the policy
proceeds become payable to the new owner(s) estate(s).
For Whole Life, Universal Life and Non-Registered policies only: If the new owner is an entity, you must also complete and remit Business Information Form (form #594).
I/We understand this address will be used as the premium billing address unless other instructions are received by the Company. I/We consent to policy related documentation, including current
annual policy statement, being provided to the new policy owner, and transfer all rights and interest in the above policy, absolutely and irrevocably, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy to:
Head Office
One Westmount Road North
P.O. Box 1603 Stn. Waterloo, Waterloo Ontario N2J 4C7
TF 1.800.668.4095 T 519.886.5210 Fax 1.519.883. 74 04
New Policyowner: Relationship to present owner:
Address: Postal code:
Social Insurance Number (SIN): Telephone number: Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy):
Occupation (job title and duties) - if retired, indicate former occupation:
Verification of Identity: Your Canadian identification must be verified by your advisor. Choose one of the following: driver’s licence, provincial photo card (excluding provincial
health cards), passport, citizenship card, permanent resident card, or certificate of Indian status card. If you do not have one of the pieces of identification indicated, please go to
www.equitable.ca/go/alternative-identification for information on our alternative identification requirements.
Confirmation by advisor (choose one):
I, the advisor, have held and viewed the original photo identification. Provide details:
Identification Type: Expiry Date (dd/mm/yyyy):
Identification Number: Date Advisor Verified (dd/mm/yyyy):
Issuing Jurisdiction / Country:
I, the advisor, have followed the alternative identification instructions, including reviewing two original documents as set out in the instructions. Copies of the two documents are attached
with this application.
Life insured(s) or annuitant(s): Policyowner(s):
Policy #: Policy #: Policy #: