Acceptable proof of name and date of birth, legal presence, identity and Wisconsin residency are required. Please see DOT publication
BDS316 or wisconsindmv.gov/dl-docs for a list of acceptable documents.
ALL applicants, complete the top section on back.
If under age 18, also complete the ‘UNDER AGE 18’ section below.
CDL applicants, complete the ‘CDL APPLICANT ONLY’ section below.
Your Federal Medical Certicate is required unless you drive a school bus
or drive for a political subdivision.
Check the box if you wish to help others by donating your organs,
tissue and eyes upon your death. Your gift will be used to save and improve
lives through transplantation, therapy, research or education. If you are at
least 18, checking the box indicates your legal consent for donation. You do
not have to answer this question to obtain a license.
ADA The Wisconsin Department of Transportation complies with the Ameri-
cans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
INVISIBLE DISABILITY Notice to law enforcement form:
wisconsindmv.gov/inv-dis or at DMV Service Centers.
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (SSN) If you have a SSN, you must provide
it (s. 343.14(2)(bm) Wis. Stats.). Your SSN may be used for purposes
authorized by law and to link your driver license and vehicle registration
records. Your SSN must correspond with the number issued by the Social
Security Administration. Federal regulation 49 CFR, Part 383.153 requires a
SSN for commercial driver license privileges.
By submitting this application, you
consent to be registered with the Selective Service System, if required
by Federal law. You also authorize the Department of Transportation to
forward any information contained in this application that is requested by the
Selective Service System for the purpose of registering you as provided in s.
343.14(2)(em) and s. 343.234 Wis. Stats.
Any applicant for a driver license who presents fraudulent
or altered documents or makes a false statement to the issuing ocer or
agency, may be subject to a ne of not more than $1,000, imprisonment for
not more than six months or both. The driver license privilege may also be
revoked for one year. (s. 343.14(5) Wis. Stats.)
OPT OUT Under Wisconsin open records laws, WisDOT must provide
information from its records to requesters. If you do not want your name and
address included in requests we receive for ten or more records, you may ask
WisDOT to withhold your name and address from those lists by checking the
box on the application.
INSURANCE No person may operate a motor vehicle in Wisconsin unless
the owner or driver of the vehicle has liability insurance in eect for the
vehicle being operated and carries proof of insurance whenever driving.
Failure to have insurance could result in a ne up to $500. Refer to s. 344.61-
344.65 Wis. Stats. for full details.
If applying for a HAZMAT endorsement (HME), complete Driver License Hazardous Materials Endorsement Application, form MV3735.
If applying for a school bus endorsement, complete School Bus or Alternative Vehicle License Information Request, form MV3740.
6. Is the vehicle you will be operating equipped
with air brakes?
7. Do you meet all the driver qualications as required
by 49 CFR 391 to operate a commercial vehicle?
If not, see Motor Carrier Safety FAQs in the Wisconsin
Commercial Driver’s Manual.
8. School Bus, CDL Instructional Permit and
New CDL Class/Endorsement Applicants Only.
Is the vehicle in which you will take the commercial
driver license skills test representative of the type
of vehicle you will operate or intend to operate?
9. School Bus Applicants Only.
Have you been convicted of an oense identied
on School Bus or Alternative Vehicle License
Information Request, form MV3740 in Wisconsin
or any other jurisdiction? If yes, list date and place:
1. In the past 5 years, have you had a loss of
consciousness or muscle control caused by a
neurological condition, for example, seizure disorder?
2. In the past 2 years, have you taken insulin
to control a diabetic condition?
3. In the past 2 years, have you taken oral
medication to control a diabetic condition?
4. Is your hearing impaired? (hard of hearing)
5. Have you held a valid operator's license in the
last 10 years from any jurisdiction (state) other
than Wisconsin?
If yes, list all states:
Applicant Certication: I certify that in the past six months I have not
been ticketed for a moving violation that has or may result in a conviction.
I understand that falsifying this statement will result in the cancellation of
my probationary license. Applicant Signature – REQUIRED.
Sponsor Certication: As the adult sponsor under s. 343.15 Wis. Stats.,
I accept liability and verify that the minor is not a habitual truant and meets the
educational requirements for licensure. If required for this application, I certify
that the applicant has accumulated at least 30 hours of driving experience,
10 of which were at night.
Minor Name – Print
School Certication: I certify that this applicant is enrolled in approved
behind-the-wheel training which begins no later than 60 days from date signed.
Sponsor Name – Print Relationship to Applicant
School ID Number School Name Sponsor Wisconsin DL/ID Number Sex Birth Date
Ocial WisDOT Test Results (line out if not used)
(Sponsor Signature – Must be Witnessed by DMV Agent or Notarized)
Knowledge Test Highway Sign Test
State of Wisconsin County of Subscribed and sworn to before me on this date
Pass Fail Pass Fail
(Authorized School Ocial/Instructor Signature) (Date Signed)
(DMV Authorized Agent or Notary Signature) (My Commission Expires)
DO NOT Use Notary Seal
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
MV3001 1/2020 Ch. 343 Wis. Stats.
An unexpired Wisconsin
driver license is acceptable
photo ID for voting.
(s. 5.02(6m) Wis. Stats.)