Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)
MV2750 8/2015 s.341.09(7) Wis. Stats.
This permit application is for temporary operation of a currently registered collector or hobbyist vehicle during the month of January.
A temporary license plate will be issued to you and will be valid for a maximum of 5 days.
Make Check Payable To: Registration Fee Trust
Fee: $5.00
Instructions and Application for Temporary Operation of Collector or Hobbyist Vehicles During January
1. The owner of a special interest vehicle registered under s. 341.266 (2)(a) or a reconstructed, replica, street
modied or homemade vehicle registered under s. 341.268 (2)(a) may, upon payment of a fee of $5.00
and application to the department, be issued a permit for operation of the vehicle for a period not to exceed
5 successive days during the month of January.
2. Indicate Requested Operation Dates, Begin and End. It can be a maximum of 5 successive days.
3. Make Check Payable To: Registration Fee Trust
Fee: $5.00
Mail Application To:
Special Plate Unit, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 7911, Madison, WI 53707-7911
4. The temporary license plate must be displayed in the rear license plate bracket on the vehicle. Leave your
collector or hobbyist plate in the front bracket. Carry the Certicate of Registration in the vehicle any time the
vehicle is operated during the period of the permit.
5. Operating a collector or hobbyist vehicle during the month of January without a valid permit may result in a
forfeiture of not more than $200.00.
6. If you need to use the vehicle for more than 5 days you will need to re-register the vehicle under the regular
registration provisions.
7. The law requires that each collector must own and have currently registered one or more vehicles used for
regular transportation.
8. If you have any questions or would like additional information pertaining to collector or hobbyist license
plates or converting to regular registration, please write to the Special Plates Unit at the address above,
or call (608) 266-3041; or email special-plates.dmv@dot.state.wi.us
Vehicle Year – Make Vehicle Identication Number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Collector or Hobbyist License Plate Number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Owner Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) (Area Code) Telephone Number (between 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.)
Street Address, City, State, ZIP Code
Requested Operation Dates (m/d/yy)
Begin End
maximum of 5 days
(Owner's Signature) (Date – m/d/yy)
Vehicle Currently Registered and Used for Regular Transportation
Vehicle Year – Make Vehicle Identication Number (VIN) Present License Number