California State University, Fresno Phone: (559)-278-2654
2380 E Keats Ave MB77 Fax: (559)-278-6800
Application for Student Employment
Date: ___________________ Student ID #: _______________________
Personal Information:
Last Name: ________________________ First Name: ________________________ M.I.: ______________
Street Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ___________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Cell Number: (___________) _______________________________
Major: _____________________________ Est. Graduation Date (month/ year): __________
Which jobs are you interested in applying for? (Check all appropriate)
Stage Crew Concert Crew Box Office Office
Recording Shop Other: (Please Specify): ________________
How did you hear about these jobs? ____________________________________________________________
List any special training or skills that may help you in this position:
List all jobs, extra curricular activities and commitments that may affect your schedule:
Semester Applying for (choose one): Fall __________ Spring __________ Summer ___________
Number of units you are enrolled in during the above semester? _________________________
Previous Employment History: Please start with most recent:
1) Employer: _________________________________________
Dates of Employment: ______________ to _______________
Supervisors Name: ______________________________ Phone Number: __________________
Job Title and Duties/ Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving: _______________________________________________________________
2) Employer: _________________________________________
Dates of Employment: ______________ to _______________
Supervisors Name: ______________________________ Phone Number: __________________
Job Title and Duties/ Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving: _______________________________________________________________
Attach a copy of your class schedule to this application.
The above information indicated on the application is true to my knowledge
Signature of Applicant: ____________________________ Date: _______________
Music Department Office Use Only:
Hire Date: _____________________ Position: _____________________ Pay Rate: _____________________ Supervisor Name: __________________
Termination Date: ______________ Reason for Termination: ___________________
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