Copyright © Biddy Tarot
Welcome and congratulations for taking the time and energy to develop your Tarot
reading skills and grow your confidence.
You know, I wish I had this when I was starting to
learn to read Tarot.
I started my studies by reading as many books as
possible, joining as many online forums as possible,
and filling my brain with as much information as
possible. I can tell you, it was OVERWHELMING!
After several years of this intensive approach to
learning Tarot, I realised that I was going about it in
the wrong way. I was trying desperately to advance
my knowledge in Tarot by cramming as much
information into my head as possible, but I wasn’t
making progress. My readings were stilted and often
a simple recitation of what I had read in the Tarot books. I was missing the whole
idea of Tarot – to trust your intuition and to go with your gut!
So I tried a new approach. I ditched the Tarot books and I learned to read the card
in the context of the reading. I learned how to intuitively and confidently interpret
the cards, not by rote learning what the books had to say but by drawing on
everything that I knew rationally and intuitively about the Tarot and about life.
What happened was amazing. My readings flowed easily and effortlessly. My clients
commented on how insightful and accurate their readings were. And I start to really
enjoy what I was doing.
So that’s why I’m here today, ready to teach you how to read the Tarot intuitively
and confidently, without having to memorise card meanings or rely heavily on the
Tarot books. I’m here to help fast-track your learning so you don’t have to make the
mistakes I made when I first started out and you can go straight into reading the
cards with confidence.
Here’s to the beginning of an amazing journey with Tarot!