Motion Picture Filming and Television Production Permit Application
For filming on Regent University Campus
Fill out this form and forward to your instructor for approval. The instructor will forward it to the
proper office for further approval and processing.
Allow 2 weeks for processing.
Project Title:
Class Professor:
Student Applicant:
Student email:
Today’s Date:
Professor Extension:
Position on Project:
Student Phone:
Production Dates (To be covered by this Permit)
Hours of Filming (e.g. 730a-10a):
Production Type
Still Photography Webisode Narrative Film Music Video
Corporate/Training Video Documentary
Other (Describe):
Total Personnel: Total Vehicles/Equipment:
Vehicle Detail:
Cars: Trucks: Generators: RVs: Other: _
Equipment Detail: List all equipment (camera, lights, sound) that will be used for filming:
5. Will there be children under the age of 16 on set? Yes No
6. If yes, have you obtained a theatrical permit for the minor? Yes No
7. Location Shoot Specifics
On the following page, please list the specifics for each filming location, including buildings, and exterior
structures or pathways that are in the shot composition, and a summary of each shot (including animals, children,
stunts, weapons, etc.). Attach additional sheets if necessary.