Moravian College
Payroll Deduction Authorization
You can use the payroll deduction plan to make bi-weekly contributions to the College
and/or Seminary. There are 26 pay periods between July 1 and June 30. Upon receiving
your signed authorization, the specified amount will be deducted from your paycheck and
credited to the account(s) of your choice.
Please complete and return to the Development Office.
If you have questions, please contact Lisa Brand at extension 1338.
Moravian College
Moravian Scholarship Fund $_______ /pay period
Academic Program _______________________________ $_______ /pay period
Blue & Grey Club ________________________________ $_______ /pay period
Endowment Fund _________________________________ $_______ /pay period
Special Project ___________________________________ $_______ /pay period
Total College Deductions $_______ /pay period
Moravian Theological Seminary
Seminary Annual Fund $_______ /pay period
Endowment Fund _________________________________ $_______ /pay period
Special Project ___________________________________ $_______ /pay period
Total Seminary Deductions $_______ /pay period
Total amount of deduction per pay period $_______ /pay period
Date of first deduction: ____________________________________________________
Employee Name: _________________________________________________________
Employee Signature: ______________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________________________