Module 5 Listening and writing.
Fill in the blanks.
Host: I see. And how _________ do extreme weather events happen?
Dr. Rivera: That’s __________ to answer, but generally, a _________ extreme events are expected
every year … actually, I should say a few extreme __________ were expected every year.
Host: What do you mean?
Dr. Rivera: Well, extreme weather events are becoming _________ common. We might feel this from
watching the news. For example, we ___________ see stories about _________ storms
or _______ floods. But this is not just a feeling, it’s actually happening. The science is
Host: That sounds ___________. So, what’s the cause?
Dr. Rivera: Why ________ extreme weather events happening more? The _______ likely reason is
climate __________. A ___________ climate leads to warmer summers, but also heavier
rain, ____________ winters, more storms, and so on. How can we fix it? One way would
be to produce clean energy.
Host: Thank you. We’ll hear more from Dr. Rivera right after these messages.
Dr. Rivera: Why are extreme weather events happening more? The _________ likely reason is
climate change. A ___________ climate leads to warmer summers, but also __________
rain, _____________ winters, more storms, and so on. How can we fix it? One way would
be to produce ___________ energy.