Modest Means Panelist Informaon
The Modest Means Program (MMP) is a reduced-fee referral panel designed to make legal services
accessible to lower and moderate income people who are ineligible for legal aid. Aorneys who
accept MMP referrals agree to charge no more than $35 for an inial, in-oce consultaon, and a
reduced rate for any addional services.
Referral & Informaon Services sta screens calls for general eligibility (subject maer, client income
and locaon of dispute) and either send an applicaon to the client or direct him/her to the MMP
program informaon and PDF applicaon on the bars website. Except for 72-hour evicon cases,
clients cannot qualify without subming a wrien applicaon.
Upon receipt of the clients completed applicaon, sta reviews it and determines whether the client
qualies for the program. They remind each client of potenal fees including the aorney's hourly
rate, the $35 inial consultaon fee, the need for a retainer deposit, and other costs such as ling
and service fees. Clients are told that Modest Means aorneys are private aorneys with regular
caseloads who agree to perform services at a reduced fee for a limited number of clients.
Sta pre-qualies MMP clients. To be eligible, applicant income must be less than or equal to at
least one current eligibility er of the MMP. Tiers are based upon set percentages of the current
Federal Poverty Guidelines. Restricons on client assets also apply. Aorneys’ fee levels are set to
correspond with the eligibility ers. Aorneys’ fee levels are currently set at $60, $80 and $100 per
hour. When a referral is made the aorney receives nocaon of which er and fee level applies.
Sta sends a copy of the clients applicaon to the aorney. Since the MMP aorney spends
more me with the client, and may discover undisclosed assets during the course of the inial
consultaon, the aorney remains the nal arbiter of whether a client qualies for the program.
Pre-qualied clients are referred to the aorney whose pracce most closely matches the subject
maer of the problem and whose oce is located near the client. Clients are told that the MMP
aorneys do not travel, nor do they ordinarily take clients who live outside of their city/ town.
It is up to the aorney and client to decide whether to connue the aorney/client relaonship
beyond the inial, in-oce consultaon. If no aorney-client relaonship is established, the aorney
refers the client back to the MMP.
For further informaon call the Referral & Informaon Services sta at (503) 620-0222 or (800) 452-
8260, extension 408.
Oregon State Bar, Modest Means Program, PO Box 231935, Tigard, OR 97281-1935
Voice: (503) 431-6408 Fax: (503) 431-6444
Please note: This form is for attorney panelists registering for the Modest Means Program.
Members of the public should use this form:
Oregon State Bar, Modest Means Program, PO Box 231935, Tigard, OR 97281-1935
Voice: (503) 431-6408 Fax: (503) 431-6444
Modest Means Policies and Procedures
I. Program
A. Overview
The Modest Means Program (MMP) is designed to make legal services available to lower income people who are
unable to aord regular aorney fees.
B. Operaon
The Referral & Informaon Services (RIS) Manager shall develop and revise referral procedures and shall be
responsible for the operaon of the program. Procedures and rules shall be consistent with the program goals and
the following guidelines:
1. RIS Sta (“Sta”) may not comment on the qualicaons of a parcipang MMP Panelist Aorney (“Panelist”)
and may not guarantee the quality or value of legal services.
2. Sta shall not make referrals on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, sexual orientaon, or naonal origin.
3. No more than three referrals may be made to an applicant for the same legal problem.
4. Sta may provide legal informaon and referrals to social service agencies for callers for whom a legal referral
would not be appropriate, and may develop agency resource lists.
5. Callers complaining about possible ethical violaons by Panelists shall be referred to the Oregon State Bar Client
Assistance Oce.
C. Client Eligibility and Aorney Fees
1. To be eligible, applicant income must be less than or equal to at least one current eligibility er of the MMP
(“Tier”). Tiers are based upon set percentages of the current Federal Poverty Guidelines, with allowable
adjustments based on guidelines of the Legal Services Corporaon.
2. Aorneys’ fee levels (“Levels”) shall be set to correspond with the Tiers, aer giving due consideraon to the
most recent edion of the Oregon State Bar Economic Survey and common billing pracces for each area of
law addressed by the MMP. In consultaon with the Public Service Advisory Commiee, Sta shall periodically
adjust the Tiers and Levels. Tier and Level adjustments may be reviewed by the Board of Governors, who shall
determine whether the adjustments were reasonable. The client fee for an inial consultaon shall not exceed
$35. MMP aorneys are entled to request a reduced inial retainer deposit (“Reduced Retainer”). “Reduced
Retainer” shall mean an amount that is less than the amount of an inial retainer deposit requested for non-
MMP cases of similar complexity and duraon.
3. Panels with separate eligibility and aorney fee guidelines may be adopted periodically on a trial basis. Please
contact RIS sta for more informaon.
II. Panelists
A. Eligibility
Aorneys sasfying the following requirements shall be eligible for parcipaon in the program:
The aorney must:
1. be in private pracce; and
2. be an acve member of the Oregon State Bar who is in good standing; and
3. maintain malpracce coverage with the Professional Liability Fund; and
4. have no Disciplinary Proceedings pending.
“Disciplinary Proceedings” shall include those authorized to be led pursuant to Rule 2.6 of the Rules of Procedure.
Modest Means Policies and Procedures (continued)
Aorneys sasfying the following addional requirements shall be eligible for parcipaon in special subject maer
panels. The aorney must: a) meet standards for eligibility in the MMP; and b) meet the standards set for the
specic subject maer panel.
B. Registraon
1. Qualifying aorneys shall be accepted as Panelists upon submission of the signed registraon form which
includes an agreement to abide by MMP Policies and Procedures.
2. Applicaons for special subject maer panels shall be reviewed by Sta in accordance with eligibility guidelines
set by the Board of Governors. Challenges to an Sta decision on eligibility shall be reviewed by the Public
Service Advisory Commiee (PSAC), whose decision is nal.
C. Enforcement
1. Panelists against whom Disciplinary Proceedings have been approved for ling shall be immediately removed
from MMP unl those charges have been resolved. A disciplinary maer shall not be considered resolved unl
all maers relang to the Disciplinary Proceedings, including appeals, have been concluded and the maer is no
longer pending in any form.
2. A Panelist whose status changes from “acve member of the Oregon State Bar who is in good standing” shall be
automacally removed from the MMP. A Panelist may be removed from the program or any MMP panel if the
Panelist fails to connue to maintain eligibility or otherwise violates the Rules for Panelists Upon wrien request,
the PSAC will review a decision to remove a panelist at its next regularly scheduled meeng. Such wrien
request must be submied to the PSAC within 30 calendar days of the date noce of the decision is given to the
removed panelist. The PSACs decision regarding removal is nal.
D. Rules For Panelists
1. Each panelist shall connuously be an acve member of the Oregon State Bar who is in good standing with
malpracce coverage from the Professional Liability Fund and have no pending Disciplinary Proceedings;
2. Panelists agree to charge potenal clients who live in Oregon and are referred by the MMP no more than $35 for
an inial 30-minute consultaon, except that no consultaon fee may be charged where:
(a) Such charge would conict with a statute or rule regarding aorneys’ fees in a parcular type of case (e.g.,
workers’ compensaon cases), or
(b) The panelist customarily oers or adverses a free consultaon to the public for a parcular type of case.
3. If the potenal client and panelist agree to connue consulng beyond the rst 30 minutes, the panelist must
make clear what addional fees will apply.
4. Panelists will parcipate only on those panels and subpanels within the panelist’s competence and where the
LRS has approved the panelist to parcipate on one or more special subject maer panels, as applicable;
5. Panelists will use a wrien fee agreement for any services provided beyond the inial consultaon;
6. Panelists will communicate regularly with MMP sta, including updang online proles and providing noce if
a panelist is unable to accept referrals for a period of me due to vacaon, leave of absence, heavy caseload or
any other reason;
7. Panelists will keep clients reasonably informed about the status of their maers and respond promptly to
reasonable requests for informaon. Panelists will return calls and emails promptly and will provide clients with
copies of important papers and leers.
8. Panelists agree to submit any fee disputes with clients referred by MMP to the Oregon State Bar Fee Arbitraon
I agree to comply with all the Modest Means Program Policies and Procedures.
Signature _______________________________________ Date ________________________________________
(Print Name) ____________________________________ Bar # ________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ___________________________________ Phone _______________________________________
Fax ____________________________________________ Email ________________________________________
I prefer to receive notices by:
Criminal Law
c Expungement
c Lesser Felony***
c Major Felony***
c Misdemeanor
c Parole/Probation
c Other _________________________________
Family Law
c Coaching (General)
c Custody/Parenting Time
c Divorce/Separation
c Document Review
c Domestic Violence
c Grandparent/3rd Party Rights
c Juvenile/DHS issues
c Paternity
c Process Questions
c Restraining Orders
c Spousal Support
c Support/Modification
Signature and Acknowledgment
Real Property
c Foreclosure
c Landlord-Tenant (Tenant)
c Landlord-Tenant (Landlord)
c Mobile Home (Tenant)
c Mobile Home (Landlord)
c Other _________________________________________________________
Other Services
c Arbitration
c AIDS-related Issues
c Appeals
c Credit Cards
c Disability-related Issues
c Evening Appointments
c Federal Court Cases
c Mediation
c Native American Issues
c Office is accessible to the disabled
c Out-of-Office Appointments
c Payment Plans
c Senior Problems
c Sexual Orientation Issues
c Weekend Appointments
c Active Other State Licenses
c Other Languages __________________________________________
c Other Information ________________________________________
Oregon State Bar, Modest Means Program, PO Box 231935, Tigard, OR 97281-1935
Voice: (503) 431-6408 Fax: (503) 431-6444
*** Additional subject matter registration and qualification forms are
required for these sub-panels. The additional forms are available at
Modest Means Program Registration
Select your areas of practice by clicking the boxes and type any additional information in the spaces provided. Please print
your completed form, sign it, and fax/mail it back to us. You may wish to print an additional copy for your records.