Modest Means Policies and Procedures (continued)
Aorneys sasfying the following addional requirements shall be eligible for parcipaon in special subject maer
panels. The aorney must: a) meet standards for eligibility in the MMP; and b) meet the standards set for the
specic subject maer panel.
B. Registraon
1. Qualifying aorneys shall be accepted as Panelists upon submission of the signed registraon form which
includes an agreement to abide by MMP Policies and Procedures.
2. Applicaons for special subject maer panels shall be reviewed by Sta in accordance with eligibility guidelines
set by the Board of Governors. Challenges to an Sta decision on eligibility shall be reviewed by the Public
Service Advisory Commiee (PSAC), whose decision is nal.
C. Enforcement
1. Panelists against whom Disciplinary Proceedings have been approved for ling shall be immediately removed
from MMP unl those charges have been resolved. A disciplinary maer shall not be considered resolved unl
all maers relang to the Disciplinary Proceedings, including appeals, have been concluded and the maer is no
longer pending in any form.
2. A Panelist whose status changes from “acve member of the Oregon State Bar who is in good standing” shall be
automacally removed from the MMP. A Panelist may be removed from the program or any MMP panel if the
Panelist fails to connue to maintain eligibility or otherwise violates the Rules for Panelists Upon wrien request,
the PSAC will review a decision to remove a panelist at its next regularly scheduled meeng. Such wrien
request must be submied to the PSAC within 30 calendar days of the date noce of the decision is given to the
removed panelist. The PSAC’s decision regarding removal is nal.
D. Rules For Panelists
1. Each panelist shall connuously be an acve member of the Oregon State Bar who is in good standing with
malpracce coverage from the Professional Liability Fund and have no pending Disciplinary Proceedings;
2. Panelists agree to charge potenal clients who live in Oregon and are referred by the MMP no more than $35 for
an inial 30-minute consultaon, except that no consultaon fee may be charged where:
(a) Such charge would conict with a statute or rule regarding aorneys’ fees in a parcular type of case (e.g.,
workers’ compensaon cases), or
(b) The panelist customarily oers or adverses a free consultaon to the public for a parcular type of case.
3. If the potenal client and panelist agree to connue consulng beyond the rst 30 minutes, the panelist must
make clear what addional fees will apply.
4. Panelists will parcipate only on those panels and subpanels within the panelist’s competence and where the
LRS has approved the panelist to parcipate on one or more special subject maer panels, as applicable;
5. Panelists will use a wrien fee agreement for any services provided beyond the inial consultaon;
6. Panelists will communicate regularly with MMP sta, including updang online proles and providing noce if
a panelist is unable to accept referrals for a period of me due to vacaon, leave of absence, heavy caseload or
any other reason;
7. Panelists will keep clients reasonably informed about the status of their maers and respond promptly to
reasonable requests for informaon. Panelists will return calls and emails promptly and will provide clients with
copies of important papers and leers.
8. Panelists agree to submit any fee disputes with clients referred by MMP to the Oregon State Bar Fee Arbitraon