Revised 3.23.2020
Mississippi University for Women
Add/Drop/Full Withdrawal Form
Student Name_________________________________________ Date___________
Student ID__________________________ Email_________________ Major_________________
Address_____________________________________________ Phone____________________
Term: (Check one)____Fall ____Spring _____Summer
I request to: ____Make changes to my schedule. Complete Section A.
____Withdraw from the University. Complete Section B.
A. List the course(s) below to be added or dropped.
Please check the Academic Calendar for deadlines and approvals.
Student Signature______________________________________________Date_____________
Department Chair______________________________________________Date_____________
University Accounting Cashier___________________________________ Date___________
Effective March 23, 2020 Drop Fees have been waived.
Return completed form to the Registrar’s Office once all signatures are obtained. The Registrar’s Office will send a copy of the
completed form to the student and the Department Chair’s office.
B. If withdrawing fully from the University, please answer the following questions:
you anticipate returning to MUW for the next semester? Yes No
As of this date, do you have any monetary obligations to MUW? Yes No
Are you receiving any V.A. (Veterans Assistance) benefits? Yes No
Are you receiving any type of scholarship, Pell grant, or student loan? Yes No
Are you living in any University housing facility? Yes No
If yes, indicate which facility.___________________
Reason for withdrawing __________________________________________________
Note: Failure to complete the semester may have an effect on the financial aid funds paid to a student’s account and paid to
cover tuition, fees, bookstore charges, campus housing costs, or paid to the student as a refund. Failure to clear all accounts
with MUW will result in the denial of your readmission and the encumbrance of all records. Please see the University Bulletin
and Academic Calendar for deadlines and refund policies. If you withdraw from the university, you must readmit to the
university upon return.
I certify all information provided hereon to be correct.
Student Signature______________________________________________Date_____________
Department Chair______________________________________________Date_____________
Financial Aid _________________________________________________Date_____________
Return completed form to the Registrar’s Office once all signatures are obtained.
The Registrar’s Office is responsible for the official record keeping. A copy of the withdrawal will be sent to the following: Director of ITS, Financial Aid, MUW
Police, Housing & Res Life, University Accounting, Counseling Center, Food Services, Health Center, IR, Library, Res Mgt, Student Success Center, Student, and
Department Chair’s office.
For Administration Only (must be completed for approval after deadlines)
Approve of this Administrative/Late Change __Yes __ No Effective Date for processing ___________________
Dean Signature ___________________________________________________ Date________________
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