Mission College
Last Name:
First Name:
successful in reaching their academic goals when they participate in all components of the Student Success and Support
Program. I acknowledge that waiving orientation may affect my success at Mission. I understand that I will lose my
I have completed an associate degree or higher from an accredited U.S. institution.
I have enrolled at Mission College for a reason other than career development or advancement, transfer,
attainment of a degree or certificate of achievement, or completion of a basic skills or English as a Second
Language course sequence.
I have completed services at another community college within the last five years.
I have enrolled at Mission College solely to take a course that is legally mandated for employment as defined in
section 55000 or necessary in response to a significant change in industry or licensure standards.
I have enrolled at Mission College as a special admit student pursuant to Education Code section 76001.
I am:
New to Mission College, never attended college before
New to Mission College, transferring from another college or university
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