APPLICANTS: Please read the code and checkmark each of the required boxes below to indicate that you meet all required submittal
conditions. If you are unsure whether your proposed subdivision application meets the requirements, please contact the Community
Development department at (520) 417-4413 or planning@sierravistaaz.gov.
Applicability [Checkmark the reason(s) for submittal]
Sierra Vista Development Code Section 151.19.006.A Minor Subdivisions
A subdivision meeting the following criteria shall be considered a minor subdivision:
1. The number of proposed lots is ten or less;
. A
ll streets forming the boundary of the subdivision are fully improved, except for sidewalks that may be improved as
part of the project;
. A
ll utility services are available at the subdivision site boundary;
he property is not located within a 100-year regulatory floodplain area or erosion hazard setback;
Guidelines [Checkmark each box to confirm meeting of guidelines]
Sierra Vista Development Code Section 151.19.006.B Minor Subdivisions – Review, Approval, and Recordation
1. Pre-Application Meeting: A pre-application meeting is required prior to the formal submittal of the minor subdivision
ication. The pre-application meeting provides an opportunity for the City and the applicant to review and exc
nformation regarding a proposed minor subdivision prior to the preparation and formal submittal of a subdivision plat
. Appl
a. The applicant shall submit a minor subdivision application and supplemental documents as stated in the
minor subdivision application.
pplications shall be filed and processed in accordance with the review, approval, and recordatio
ocedures set forth in Section 151.19.004(C) Final Plat Stage.
3. Improvement Security:
a. All required public improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the latest revision
the Uniform Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and the Uniform Standard Details for
Public Works Construction as compiled by the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG), and the City of
Sierra Vista Public Works Engineering Design Standards and Drawings, as modified and adopted by t
ouncil. Other standards pertaining to any required improvements shall be approved by the City.
b. All required public improvements shall be completed and accepted prior to the issuance of certificates of
occupancy. However, should the improvements not be completed and accepted prior to the issuance of
certificates of occupancy, then the improvement security requirements and procedures as stated in Section
19.005,-Improvement Security shall be followed.
I agree that the information provided above is correct and true. I understand the responsibility for code compliance rests with the applicant.
Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Signature of subject property owner or authorized representative of said owner is required for minor subdivision approval