Application for a Tier 4 Minnesota Educator License: May 2020 Page 1 of 12
Minnesota Educator Tier 4 License Application
Application General Information and Checklist
General Information: A Tier 4 licensure candidate must hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, have passed the
MTLE content and pedagogy exams in the licensure field requested, show proficiency in basic skills testing, evidence
completion of a teacher preparation program, and have at least three years of teaching experience in a Minnesota
school. CTE/Career Pathways candidates see requirements on the CTE/Career Pathways application
. The Tier 4 license is
valid for five years and expires on June 30 of the expiration year. A Tier 4 license may be renewed an unlimited number
of times. Renewal requirements include 125 clock hours, including current mandatory requirements. If a candidate holds
a Tier 3 or Tier 4 license, the district must apply for an out-of-field permission rather than a Tier 1 or Tier 2 license to be
able to teach outside their licensure field.
Review and check the below list to ensure you have completed the required paperwork and included all required
materials for submission. All applications must include Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Application processing fee in the form of a check or money order made payable to “PELSB.”
For initial/first-time applicants: an initial application and fingerprint card processing fee of $90.25.
For existing license holders: an application fee of $57.00 (fingerprint card is not required).
Fingerprint card completed for initial applications, signed and dated. Be sure NOT to fold or bend the card.
To request a fingerprint card, please email PELSB staff at pelsb@state.mn.us or call 651-539-4200 (option 1)
and include your full name and current mailing address in your message. The subject line of the email should
be “Fingerprint Card Request.” Include the completed fingerprint card with the complete application.
Official transcripts from all regionally accredited colleges or universities attended in an institution’s sealed
envelope. In most instances, earned degrees must be posted on transcripts.
If you are adding a new licensure field to an existing Minnesota license, submit transcripts that have not
been previously submitted and/or that are related to the licensure field requested.
For individuals with preparation completed outside of the United States or its territories, transcripts must be
evaluated by a foreign credential evaluation service. The
National Association of Credential Evaluation
Services (NACES) has a list of approved providers. Please mail the original course-by-course evaluation of
your foreign preparation to PELSB.
Completed application, signed, dated, and including Sections 1-4.
Designated Address: Your designated address may be a residence, PO Box, or place of business. Please note
that the address you designate on this form does not remain private after a license is issued.
Home Address: Your home address remains private if a designated address is supplied. If there is no
designated address, the home address does not remain private after a license is issued.
Section 5A: Conduct Review Statement completed, signed and dated AND, if you answered YES to questions 1,
2, 3, 4, or 6, complete Section 5B. If you answered YES to questions 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12, include the
additional materials requested.
Section 6: Verification of Completion of a State-approved Program
This form must be completed, signed and dated by the certifying officer of the institution where the teacher
preparation program was completed.
Section 7: Verification of Teaching Experience Form
• This form must be completed, signed, and dated by an authorized school official.