Application for Certified Copy or Photocopy of Military Record
Type of copy (check one) _________Certified _________ Photocopy
Name of Veteran _________________________
Birth date of Veteran ______________________
Relationship of the Person/Agency Receiving This Copy to the Person Named on the Record:
_______ Self
_______ Immediate Family – Relationship: ________________
Authorized Agent or Representative: (check one)
_______ POA
_______ Funeral Director
_______ Attorney
_______ Other: ______________________
Reason for needing this copy:
Applicant’s Signature Day phone #
Name and Address of Person Receiving this copy (REQUIRED)
Name: _________________________________________________________________
Street: _________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________
Polk County Recorder◆111 Court Ave Ste 250◆Des Moines, Iowa 50309-2251◆515-286-3160
Julie M. Haggerty
Polk County Recorder
Registrar of Vital Records
Valeria J. Mason, 1