Withdrawal when called to active military duty. When a student or spouse of the student is called to active military service during an academic term, he or she may
choose one of the following three options listed below. The student is responsible for notifying his/her instructors of the option they choose.
1. The student may request retroactive withdrawal to the beginning of the semester, with a full refund of tuition and fees.
2. If at least 75 percent of the graded work has been completed, the student may request that the faculty member assign a grade for the course based on
the work completed. The final decision about grading is left to the faculty member.
3. If the faculty member assigns a grade of “I,” the student must complete course requirements within one year after the student returns to campus.
Room and board will be refunded in accordance with the current University refund policy. All students who receive Title IV funds will be processed according to
federal policies. Federal policy statements are available in the Office of Student Financial Aid.
1. Secure a copy of the Academic Affairs Form (Emergency Separation for Military Purposes).
2. Complete the form and attach appropriate documentation.
3. Submit the form to the Office of the Registrar at www.registrar@aamu.edu, retaining a copy for student.
Due to military call-up, with appropriate documentation of same, I wish to suspend my studies at Alabama A&M University
Cash refunds should be made payable to the person named below and mailed to the address given below.
Mailing Address:
Street Apt #
For Academic Affairs’ Use Only
Office of Academic Affairs
Alabama A&M University
Military Purposes Form Rev. 04/2020