Student Name: Student Teaching Semester:
Mid Term Final Evaluation
Masterful Consistently exceeds expected levels of performance with a high degree of skill
Proficient Consistently meets expected levels of performance
Basic Usually meets expected levels of performance and would benefit from continued growth to
achieve greater consistency and effectiveness
Unsatisfactory Usually fails to meet expected levels of competence and performance
Planning and Preparation shows evidence of:
Knowledge of Pennsylvania K-12 Academic Standards
Use of learning objectives that are:
Appropriately challenging
Accompanied by strategies, methods and techniques that will
Knowledge of the content matter being taught
Knowledge of the appropriate sequencing of that content
Contains the essential instructional elements
Includes a variety of instructional and grouping patterns
Provides for visual, auditory, and kinesthetic modes of learning
Provides for different modes of intelligence
Recognition of students’ differing needs, interests, experiences, and
Use of available resources, materials, and technology
Neat, accurate, and attractive
Suitable for the grade level
Functional and meaningful
Assessment of student learning that is:
Aligned to instructional goals
Adapted to the needs of the students
Evaluating the full range of thinking and reasoning skills in
addition to recall and rote memory
York College of Pennsylvania
Evaluation for Student Professional Knowledge and Practice