TO: All F
FROM: Leigh Anne Shaw, District Academic Senate President, SMCCCD
RE: Flex Obligations for 2018-2019
CC: College Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Deans, and Flex Coordinators
The SM
CCCD provides a flexible calendar for staff development in accordance with California Code of
Regulations, Title 5, Division 6, § 55724. There are six (6) Flex Days in the 2018-2019 academic calendar:
Monday and Tuesday, August 13 and 14, 2018 and Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Friday, January 11, Wednesday, March 6, and Friday, March 29, 2019
Per Title 5, all Flex Day obligations are on “flexible time.” All faculty members are encouraged to attend Opening
Day activities on Monday, August 13, 2018 and other special activities at each college on Tuesday, August 14,
2018. As of 2018, SMCCCD requires mandatory attendance to two Flex Days for full-time faculty; four Flex Days
remain on flexible time. The mandatory Flex Days for 2018-2019 are August 14, 2018 and January 11, 2019.
article 7.11 of the AFT contract, faculty members on a regular academic year contract shall participate in Flex
Days as part of their basic assignments. Regular faculty will be expected to participate in Flex Day activities for
five (5) hours per Flex Day. Apart from the two mandatory Flex Days per year, additional activities may be
conducted at any time during the year between June 1, 2018, and May 31, 2019. Activities will be self-certified,
reported on the form attached, and submitted to the appropriate Division Dean upon completion. Failure to
report can result in the loss of time or wages, e.g., paid or unpaid leave.
Time Submission Due Dates: FALL - December 15
SPRING - June 15
tirement and hourly faculty who are scheduled to teach on the same day of the week that a Flex Day
occurs may receive compensation for reported Flex activities up to the total number of hours normally worked
on that day(s). Those Flex activities may be conducted at any time during the year between June 1, 2018, and
May 31, 2019. Additional hours will not be compensated. In addition to the reporting form, hourly faculty must
submit a time sheet to their Division Dean in order to receive pay. Flex Days for post retirement and hourly
faculty MUST be reported during the semester in which they were observed but NO later than December 15
for Fall semester and June 15 for Spring Semester.
The a
ctivities below can be used to meet the Flex time obligation. Please check with your college Academic
Senate President if you are in doubt about any other activity. Questions about this obligation or the process can
be directed to your college Academic Senate President or your Division Dean.
ities which college personnel will be engaged in during flexible staff, student and instructional
improvement days may include, but need not be limited to:
1. Course instruction and evaluation
2. Staff development, in-service training and instructional improvement
3. Program and course curriculum or learning resource development and evaluation
4. Student personnel services
5. Learning resource services
6. Related activities, such as student advising, guidance, orientation, matriculation services, and student,
faculty and staff diversity
7. Departmental or division meetings, conferences and workshops, and institutional research
8. Other duties as assigned by the district
9. The necessary supporting activities for the above
(citation: California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Article 2. Flexible Calendar Operations, Section 55724)
SMCCCD Flex Activity Reporting Form
Name: ______________________________ Division: _______________________________
Date of Activity 1: ________________________________Number of Hours: _____________________
Description of Activity 1: ______________________________________________________________
Date of Activity 2: ________________________________Number of Hours: _____________________
Description of Activity 2: ______________________________________________________________
Date of Activity 3: ________________________________Number of Hours: _____________________
Description of Activity 3: ______________________________________________________________
Date of Activity 4: ________________________________Number of Hours: _____________________
Description of Activity 4: ______________________________________________________________
Date of Activity 5: ________________________________Number of Hours: _____________________
Description of Activity 5: ______________________________________________________________
Date of Activity 6: ________________________________Number of Hours: _____________________
Description of Activity 6: ______________________________________________________________
Please use additional sheets as necessary.
Faculty Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________
Division Dean Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ______________
Please return this form to your Division Office no later than the end of business day December 15
(FALL) or June 15
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